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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Camping Trip?

    Gump only has horses. Gyros for everyone!!
  2. I wish. If I could make the alarm biz work as adequate regular income I'd do it full time in a heartbeat. Problem is, everybody out there thinks they're an alarm expert because they can buy the parts on the Internet. Combine that with the fact that people are more than willing to pay 35 or 40 bucks a month for monitoring to get a "free" system from the conglomos that is locked and can't be used by any other alarm company and the whole biz becomes a PITA. The margins are way too thin for a little guy to make it.
  3. At this point I'm suggesting you either buy a wireless unit and install it yourself or have someone else install it and I monitor it. I just don't have the time these days to install a system. That may change in the future, but right now there just isn't time in my world.
  4. max power

    Camping Trip?

    Who volunteered a pig?
  5. Apartments are tough. You're going to have to go with a fully wireless system, like a Simon. http://www.safemart.com/Wireless-Home-Security/GE-Security-Simon-XT-Custom-Build-Your-Own-Wireless-Security-System-SIMONXT-CUSTOM.htm Buy and install one of these and I can do your monitoring. Don't be an igit and plan to have it just call your phone. That never works out the way people think it will.
  6. max power

    Camping Trip?

    Sounds good to me. Lets make it happen.
  7. max power

    Camping Trip?

    We doing this at Williams?
  8. Okay nerds, what the hell is a raspberry PI?
  9. The lift in the floor is a good idea
  10. House prices where I want to buy are definitely climbing. Too bad everyone with any sense wants to stay one step ahead of the approaching ghetto.
  11. Is it the Callahans owner? We know him.
  12. Damn! What a peeg! Your blog rocks. Keep livin the dream.
  13. Concrete will be your biggest expense.
  14. Why are there random links in your thread for the ZX forums? I would make sure you have water and alarm lines ran from the house so you can do a 2 partition system and set/monitor the alarm from the house. Build as big as you can now, but do it with ease of expansion in mind if you want to add on down the road.
  15. I don't have as much free time as I used to. And there is always plenty of chores to do. Haven't even left yet. Offers still open if anyone want to do a ride this afternoon.
  16. Shitholes for sale!! Get yer shitholes here!! House prices were dirty cheap a few years ago. They are climbing right now....except for ratholes in Dayton and Hamilton.
  17. Thinking of riding this here joy machine tomorrow, but I don't like to ride alone. Anyone in to ride fairly early? Thinking around 10. Probably hocking.
  18. There you go. Just grind the rest of the guard off there and stick one of those in it. Then put a skid plate on it.
  19. Sam Loucks. 614-837-5990 Dude ain't the cheapest guy in town, but he is a craftsman and will treat you right.
  20. Nice. It's cool to see someone doing bike mods on this here gun site. Looks like you're getting her set up well.
  21. Yep. This might fit the bill. Too bad it has the optional automatic.
  22. Ooh, that's fucked. Weld it shut and re-thread?
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