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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. No, I don't. We towed it down with Bowdogs fancy new truck. It got a brake controller built in.
  2. They grease the ball to make a solid connection for chassis ground. I've never had a trailer with brakes. I didn't know they used a battery to run them. The brakes on my camper don't have a battery. That trailer looks damn nice though. Before doing anything more than charging the battery, I'd put some weight on it and check the lights again. It's new isn't it?
  3. He got fat from being stressed to a level your dumbass will hopefully never know. He got fat from living his life in hiding and not seing the light of day for a year. Lets see what you'd look like after a year of that.
  4. You are truly an idiot.
  5. Most likely going home Sunday morning. Weather channel says 40% chance of scattered showers Saturday. High 85. If you guys are skeered of getting wet while riding in the mud, better ride Sunday. I'm riding Saturday. May ride early Sunday, but going home early afternoon at the latest.
  6. Not sure why it would be ground at the battery, but I'm sure they has their reasons. Every trailer I've had was ground to the frame and the trailer was ground through the hitch. Make sure the hitch ball is rust free. Put a little grease on it and load a quad on the trailer, then check the lights.
  7. Going down tomorrow night. Who's in?
  8. My ass. If you are selling in bulk like that, they would be lucky to get $500-800/lb. even less for that nasty Mexican brown schwag.
  9. Dime, if you want light weight and tough, look into the Vasque brand. It's redwings hiking boot line. I wear them everyday and so far, so good. Very light and comfortable.
  10. The timberlands are POS already. The inside of one of the boots came loose making them nearly impossible to get off. This after only occasional wear. .
  11. Do they make and what do they look like (where do they mount) for a gen 2 FZ1?
  12. I never ride in cities unless absolutely necessary. Nothing fun about riding around cell phone mesmerized drivers.
  13. Wait. There are bears fucking and it's not in the supporters forum? Think of the children!!!
  14. You are a walking encyclopedia of all things manly. And your google-fu is unmatched.
  15. I find it annoying because it's supposed to be a music magazine. Why the fuck does every magazine need to report every detail on every terrorist ever known to man? Is good housekeeping going to run an article about him next week? If the media would quit publicizing these dick bags and their causes then maybe they would quit doing this shit.
  16. Rolling Stone has always been a worthless hippie rag. Their sales have gone the shitter in the last 10 years and they're just trying to get exposure.
  17. Where is mattm to bitch about your cut and paste technique? Don't you have your own thoughts on this?
  18. Who's complaining. Justice was served. It is what it is.
  19. The word you are looking for is know. K N O W. It's a basic word in the English language. Learn it.
  20. I spoke too soon. Fucker won't start now. FUCK!!!
  21. No, because she's an inarticulate ghetto hoochie who contradicted herself.
  22. Well....I looked up the plug gap, found it to be a little narrow, and re-gapped. IT LIVES!!! Hopefully that was all it is, but we shall see. It definitely runs at higher RPMs now as opposed to yesterday. I don't fully trust it yet as it ran before, but it does start after being run now and is t nearly as hard to start.
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