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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Maid Service

    Except that anything the government is in charge of becomes bloated, ridiculously costly and extremely poorly managed. Then those poor working people are forced to pay more taxes. Competition is the only thing that can keep the costs in check.
  2. Just dump the clutch and bust through it like the Kool-Aid man! Oh yeah!
  3. max power

    Maid Service

    How many drug convictions and shitty tats are required?
  4. Gawd, you did a lunch meetup at Applebee’s? Pffft, white people.
  5. Burrito buggy was the greatest thing on earth when I was drunk and 20 years old
  6. I don’t mind carbs a bit on a thumper, but i want efi on a long distance machine. No idea they made a c14 with carbs Im assuming FJR is fi 06+?
  7. You had me at stuff animal. I’d totally rock animal from the muppets....or maybe Taz. Im not totally broken, but do find my beloved FZ uncomfortable as prison sex after a while. And the biggest issue, my wife won’t ride it. She wants a back rest and to go ride into ky or wv for weekend trips with our friends. Can’t do that on the fz unfortunately.
  8. Thanks for the offer fellas. Would love to take one of each for a spin. I know dave lives down in hooten holler, where do you live, Connie14? how are you healing, Dave?
  9. May be by if the fishin shack gets rained out.
  10. I’ve only ridden andre’s Connie around Fontana at low speeds but the seating position has to be more comfortable than that of the FZ. Would love to try either bike if someone wants to take a ride and trade for a little while.
  11. Huh? Didn’t unfriend you so no idea there. Everyone has been up my ass about riding to the gap vs trailering for years and that bike is just not even close to a suitable long distance unit. At least for me. Can it be done? Yes. Do I want to do it? No. Not a thin skin thing, just soooo over discussing it as no one ever listens, they just wanna rag for ragging sake because they ride there and back on what ever sportbike so I should want to on the FZ. I’m old and I’ve broken things. I know when it’s going to rain. I’m becoming very well acquainted with ibuprofen. I can’t even ride a zeroturn for a few hours without walking all hunched over. So if you ride all scrunched up on a cbr or Daytona all the way to the gap, around and back, good for you, makes me wince just thinking about it. If you see a nice cheap 06+ FJR or connie, let me know I don’t think I even know how to unfriend someone on the ‘books.
  12. I ended up mowing my neighbors grass since his mower broke down and waiting for the rains that keep passing me by.
  13. I have at least 10 years on both of you and have treated my body very poorly in those 10 extra years. I find the FZ extremely uncomfortable after about 3-4 hours. As in unenjoyable Also no way of hauling of my gear so here we go with this tired ass berating again.
  14. Apparently. Kent I would’ve loved to go on that trip with you if I had a more long distance bike. Working on that.
  15. What, when, where. Need to get the street bike out Im in South central Ohio
  16. Damn, sounds fun. Wish I knew earlier. Meeting the bubbys at the fishin shack this weekend.
  17. Wish I had some bags and a bike I’d want to ride that long.
  18. I appreciate it but I’m good. It would just act all stuck up to the cheap tools in my box. 10mm is just the one every one seems to lose all the time.
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