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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Truth. You need an FZ1. Wanna buy mine?
  2. So, did Exarch ever get a better job? Did he give up the Security guard life? Did he ever screw his boss? i miss the old days.
  3. Thanks man. Was fun. Need to do more before embarking on a 1000 mile trip. Let’s get some practice in soon.
  4. How much to just come rub my junk all over it?
  5. I see what kind your talking about. I was thinking the square type. Do you find it to be very efficient? Dont you live over by middletown?
  6. Hell, if no one else wants it, I’ll put it to good use.
  7. Tell us more about this radiant heater. I always thought those things would make it hella hot up top and cool on the floor since heat rises. I’d love to see your barn sometime. I’ll bet after three of them you’ve got some good ideas going on in there
  8. You could always rub one out while thinking about your awaiting adventures.
  9. See now there is some Some quality work that was just passed over in the name of shit. Fail.
  10. If that price included concrete it’s a deal
  11. Emerson Bigguns rolls off the tongue better.
  12. max power


    Look at y’all just shittin up the fng introduction. Buncha fucksticks. Welcome. Nice ride
  13. She gone to @DerekClouser lock Er up
  14. OK since I’m getting older and most likely not going to be in any porn movies you can have my porn name. Emerson Biggins
  15. Geez Bubby I never said they suck, I just said they don’t warrantee their work. You are a filthy Englishman. They don’t give a shit about you once you put money in their hands. As long as you realize that, use them. Use Mexicans for all I care. But, if you’re calling your guy then he’s not Amish.
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