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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. So your wife is scared of black guns? I am also in the market for some cheap optics
  2. Not necessarily a bargain but drool worthy https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/246331239407599/
  3. Wish I wasn’t on call this week. Lets get down again this fall?
  4. I think no matter what you order, you get medium well. Can’t bitch too much for $12 meal and $1.75 beers.
  5. They should combine the two products. call it Goo Off
  6. Thanks man. That first one is right in my wheelhouse!
  7. max power

    Jacks FJR 1.jpg

    Looks like you got a nice unit there
  8. max power

    Jacks FJR 1.jpg

    Looking for one of these if you see a clean unit for sale at a reasonable price.
  9. I got to say, it is true to the original. And, I mean it’s no FZ1, but I’ve seen worse naked bike.
  10. Nah, I moved from town. He is absolutely welcome to bring the cat out here. It might last two or three days before the ‘yotes make a snack out of it, if it’s quick. Besides, my neighbors love bait
  11. Have you seen his dog? I’m surprised it didn’t eat the cat.
  12. When you say LC 380 do you mean LCP? Because it’s much smaller than the LC9. Compare the airweight to any of the subcompact 9 mm and you will see that it is not really any wider. It conceals much more easily because it has no square edges. I carry one in my pocket every day and no one ever notices it. Much better knockdown power than 380 or even 9 mm and if you need more than five shots you’re not close enough and you’re probably going to jail.
  13. Nobody fosters cats. They just let them out in neighborhoods and put food out for them, which then attracts skunks. Ask me how I know.
  14. Cats aren’t animals they’re fucking varmints that some people let in their houses. I wouldn’t keep any animal in my home that pisses and shits inside. Don’t like my attitude about cats? Don’t Fucking Care YRMV
  15. This. It scratched his kid. There’s no questioning that. Goodbye cat.
  16. That cat would be outdoors with a quickness in my world. Probably in a trash bag.
  17. The idea behind concealed is that no one knows you have it. Hard to do with a huge slide gun. I know a guy who carries hammerless j frame everywhere and no one is the wiser.
  18. Who said anything about riding? Thought this was a drinking forum?
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