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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Does the $90 include tax? If so, I may be signing up. We have WOW currently since Insight kept raising our rates for classic cable with 1 HD DVR, basic RR, and phone to $125/mo. What made me finally say FU Insight was the letter I got saying they were raising my rate again by $20/mo. For no better reason than being a loyal customer. Pissed me off HUGE! Ever since they have been trying to intice me with promises of $75/mo., but I don't trust them anymore. I'm not trying to play the cable co.'s game of "how much $ can we squeeze out of this bubby for luxury services he can live without". Besides, after taxes and bullshit fees, we're back up to $100/mo. There is a reason they have no contract. Its so they can jack the rates on you at any time for no reason.
  2. Looks like I'm out, at least until early afternoon, maybe about lunchtime.
  3. Affliction Audio? Was it full of douchbags?
  4. Does this include HD and a DVR?
  5. if that's the most redneck thing you've ever seen you need to get out of the shitty city more often.
  6. Bowdog? You in? BTW, I wouldn't expect to see me @ 9am. That's a bit early for this old man on a weekend.
  7. Yes, Jesses old man is a hoot. Gump? You in?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eznDse0TTuI
  9. I would throw that POS safe away.
  10. The Blitz sucks anyway. Almost all they play anymore is boo-hoo rock. And its not just the Blitz. QFM plays the same shitty 70's Boston and 80's Aerosmith ballads over and over. CD 10whateverthehellitis plays a bunch of faggy crap with one decent alternative song every few hours. And WNCI? Please only if you are in jr. High is that shit listenable. Columbus radio is all but dead at this point.
  11. We still on for this Saturday?
  12. And Bob Conners retired too! WTF?
  13. That's an awful lot of slab for the FZ. Besides, I'm not running my rocket down any dirt roads. There you go yte, I teed it up for ya. Knock it outta the park!
  14. Damn yte, I just don't own a dual sport. Are you secretly gay for Ben or something? Cuz you sure have gayed up this thread.
  15. Now you know why they call it a Shadow. The bike never sees the sun with that draped over it.
  16. Tressel denied these rumors this morning on WTVN.
  17. Ima gonna eat yo horse face now....Mmmmmm.
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