Does the $90 include tax? If so, I may be signing up. We have WOW currently since Insight kept raising our rates for classic cable with 1 HD DVR, basic RR, and phone to $125/mo. What made me finally say FU Insight was the letter I got saying they were raising my rate again by $20/mo. For no better reason than being a loyal customer. Pissed me off HUGE! Ever since they have been trying to intice me with promises of $75/mo., but I don't trust them anymore. I'm not trying to play the cable co.'s game of "how much $ can we squeeze out of this bubby for luxury services he can live without". Besides, after taxes and bullshit fees, we're back up to $100/mo. There is a reason they have no contract. Its so they can jack the rates on you at any time for no reason.