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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Don’t know. Too busy to look it up.
  2. Is that silver or anthracite?
  3. Does it get hotter than other helmets?
  4. Anyone have one? Are they hard to clean? Every one I’ve looked at seems kind of rubbery so I imagine the bugs stick a little better. Who has real world experience?
  5. Just called Townsend to confirm when our reservations were and they did not have me down for Saturday. Y’all better check the reservations with them or you could get screwed out of Saturday night. Todd I will be going down Wednesday morning I guess and coming back Sunday. If anyone wants to trailer with me I need to know soon as in this week. I have three spots available if they’re sport bikes and can fit sideways on a 7 foot wide trailer. Fuel cost split evenly
  6. Is that the truck in clintonville? I thought it was meh. Overhyped and underwhelming.
  7. And the bitch yelled at me, the guy who stayed in the back and didn’t pass 20 cars at a time.
  8. About the time you get dementia
  9. Calling your gay ban contest isn’t bitching, it’s just pointing out a fact. This shits gay. Only took a guess because Ben asked me what my guess was. He already told me but I was drunk and exhausted and don’t remember. Oh yeah, you can ban me if you feel the need, no fucks
  10. I think the tire mounting charge for most shops is a loss leader to get you to buy the tire there and to get you to pay for other services while your at it like oil changes and such. Letting a bike sit just to make it seem like it takes a long time to fix it is a sure way to go out of business quick. That’s just stupid.
  11. If I don’t find a couple people to ride down and back with me, I will be tossing the Xr650 in the back of my Toyota. Don’t want to foot the 12 mile per gallon gas bill by myself.
  12. I think going down Wednesday and coming back SundayI think going down Wednesday and coming back Sunday. Not positive though, got to check the reservations and what days I took off.
  13. Lookin like I may be solo trailering down with my 2 bikes. Anyone want to ride down with me? I have to ability to squeeze up to 5 sport bikes on the trailer and I have a suburban big enough to haul all the gear. And no, I won’t haul your shit down solo.
  14. lol exactly what I was thinking. Right after, wow, another gay ban contest.
  15. Everyone loves flaming doo rags!
  16. I ran over the tail of a raccoon that was crossing the road on my Vmax. Blake witnessed but he’s too cool for OR these days.
  17. No one in particular, just a big quivering pile of naked humanity. I mean, if we’re all staying in Tim’s timeshare isn’t that what it’s going to be?
  18. In if’n there’s an orgy. Is there an orgy?
  19. Shouldn’t you make sure that you love the 790 first? Because I know you love that bike.
  20. Right? Those aren’t towels, they’re sheets.
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