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Earache last won the day on April 30 2021

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About Earache

  • Birthday 11/30/1958

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  • Location
    Black Hawk, Colorado
  • Vehicles(s)
    XR650R -Super Tenere Ducati 996 - Ducati SC1000

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  1. 💩 I don't have anything to say, just wanted to add the "poop" emoji.
  2. Don't get on OR too much anymore, but do check in once in awhile. Hope you're all doing well. Got out for a ride around the neighborhood this week between snow storms. Can't go too far as the Passes aren't open yet but have some good rides close by. I'll try to post some more rides later in the summer.
  3. I fail to see how this could possibly be any fun whatsoever.
  4. I'll guess a Super Tenere'
  5. Volunteering - I don't have any knees left to ride bicycles <gg>. Might ride out to Pelotonia and ride to Tennessee after that on the way home.
  6. I'm not that bored. Probably not gonna be back east until next year for Pelotonia - at least that's the plan.
  7. I have never been this bored in my entire adult life.
  8. Yup - pick a date and destination and let's go. I need to score a new bike this Spring and will be ready to ride a bit after that. Anyone else wanna go?
  9. Yes . Both bikes pull up, hand over the pass and two ID;'s and you're both in. As are the passengers - if any -on your bikes. I've used it this way for 9 years with no issues at all. Canyonlands Park Ranger told me to do it this way. Mt. Evans Ranger let 5 bikes in on my pass once (late in the day).
  10. Here's the back side fo the current pass showing the places for two pass holder signatures (I deleted the sigs on mine)
  11. There are two spaces for names and signatures on the back o fthe card. Each one of you can sign it and produce two ID's that match the names and signatures and you're in. This has worked at every National Park that I've been to without exception.
  12. Maybe - my decal works at RMNP, Moab and Canyonland, Mt Evans. Kinda weird.
  13. One annual pass will work for two bikes. There are two signature / name blanks on each pass, so it'll only cost ya $40 each. The annual pass isn't supposed to go up in price - but you could buy one now just to be sure. They will also give you a sticker for bikes so you don't have to fumble aroudn with your pass in your wallet, but you have to ask for the sticker.
  14. I think you'd be surprised what you can do with a minimum amount of tools. Could always borrow some tools to help you complete a project.
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