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Everything posted by Earache

  1. That was Lexington - but I could do Cinti as well.
  2. I'll probably go - dunno if I'll ride or trailer; depends on what bike I take. Should be fun.
  3. Remember that this happened in England; where the immigrants can do no wrong and the retarded British bend over backwards to give the influx of eastern Europeans and Muslims all that they want. Huge problem there - they need some serious social reform. And, of course, you're not allowed to carry there - fuckin' pussies. Guns are bad, m'kay?
  4. I'll be in the Rockkies June 28-July 8 so there's no way I could go again 3 weeks later. And I don't camp. Rallies never really appealed to me. I like bike trips to get away from crowds not to ride to them:cry: There are a couple roads from Colorado up to Glacier that you might wanna try. I'll get the atlas out and see if I can remember them. The Going to the Sun Road is often closed due to avalanche, even in mid summer. Check before you ride up there. Have fun!
  5. I was a corner worker that day at Putnam when Eric B. lost his life. Spooky as shit to see. I've also cornerworked for AMA races in the past as well; very few, if any, of the workers are EMT's or Doctors - most are just volunteers. I'm sure EMT's and DR are at the races, but they aren't the ones scraping you up off of the track. At a lot fo the putnam park races, the "EMT's" in teh ambulance are little more than ambulance drivers. Very basic medical assistance is at the track. I think some folks would be surprised by who is in the ambulance.
  6. I use RAM balls with an aluminum stalk on the camera... Kills all of the vibrations. RAM mounted on the BMW's brake resevoir... RAM on the ST's tip over wing... Also made an rear axle mount for my Duc - pretty cool view angle. Video from axle mount... http://vimeo.com/11790090
  7. If you wanna wave all damned day, but a freakin' boat. Never understood the whole wave thing.
  8. Holla when ya get here, we'll do some beers.
  9. Yup, sounds like just another OR ride. So how does it work - you just ride the route given or are you given a portion of the route to "patrol" for problems?
  10. They also need someone that is slow as fuck, so you're in too. Laugh it up, funny boy!
  11. Be cool to hang out in Athens again. Wonder if I can get a dorm room in one of the dorms I used to live in - that'd be weird.
  12. I'm in - let me know what I ned to do to sign up. Have a quiet bike, license, insurance and don't always ride like an idiot.
  13. I just checked again - temps have changed a bit but still looks sunny...
  14. Blow it off, they'll never miss you.
  15. Figures. I've never used them for any service work, but if it was cheap enough to do so, I'd try it out. My guess is that their "repair" would be en entirely new camera. Their cost on these things has got to be very low - like $25 or so. There just isn't anything to them.
  16. Was the lens on the camera itself damaged or just the lens on the clear case? If just the case, they sell a replacement lens for cheap. Simple bolt on.
  17. Short notice, but here goes.... Weather looks to be nice there this weekend so I'm going to ride down. Sunny and 75 on Saturday, sunny and 83 on Sunday. Hard to argue with that. I'll be leaving Indy Friday afternoon sometime and will head for Maryville, TN (just north of the Gap) where I'll stay on Friday and Saturday nights. Room will be about $20 each per night (I get some hotel discounts from the wife) Ride around shooting some videos and pics on Saturday and then take the backroads home on Sunday sometime. Anyone that wants to come along can meet up with me in Lexington, KY for the ride down. Let me know if anyone is interested.
  18. Was that a feckin' beaver pelt or what?
  19. And this will help me survive a crash how?
  20. He must have been stating it was a Gold Wing record, not an overall bike record. Not even he would claim that. YellowWolf is prone to exaggeration and is quite a fan of himself.
  21. No - that's YellowWolf you're thinking of - I've passed him many times when he was honking through the Gap. There is no way a Gold Wing can go faster than a sportbike - given the same talent of the rider- on that road. It just isn't going to happen. Trust me.
  22. True - I was making a sweeping generalization which doesn't apply to all of course. Followed this guy on a Jap crusier last Fall. He was a smooth but the bike just wasn't very fast. He did offer a "pass me" wave but I was having fun watching him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtYMskRcH3E I don't think the bike could have gone much faster without some serious grounding out issues. But he was aware of those following him and made an effort to get outta the way. Really sucks when about 12 of the HD guys are in a line, with their newbie riding wives in the middle of the group, and they amble through at 12 mph. Won't pull over or yield at all and get all pissy when you pass them - even when done safely.
  23. Cruisers should be banned from this road. Why anyone would want to take an ill handling barge through there is beyond me. If they would just use the pull offs to let traffic pass it would be a whole lot better.
  24. Heading dowm there over Memorial Day weekend with soem friends from Chicago. Great area to ride - Route 16 !
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