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Everything posted by Earache

  1. TiJoe is the place for small amoutns of Ti. Limited sizes though: http://www.titaniumjoe.com/ Or you can get it from McMaster-Carr www.Mcmaster.com Not always the cheapest, but service is beyond great. Others I use: http://www.speedymetals.com/default.aspx www.onlinemetals.com
  2. see http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=67546 RAM mounts are the way to go. They're strong and cheap.
  3. Tequila shots in Santa Fe, New Mexico? The 30th is on a Thursday, so it'd be easy to plan on being someplace that day...someplace fun.
  4. Will do. It'll only be cold up high like on Cherohala Skyway and parts of the Blue Ridge. The Gap itself isn't very high at all and neither are most of the more popular roads in the area. Gotta be cold as shit up high though.
  5. I think you'd like Cali and Oregon better than Alaska anyway. I'd like to do a 10 day ride to Cali and back - hit some NorCal roads I know that are fun, sleep on the Lost Coast, ride some forest maintenance roads, etc.
  6. I ride down there 9-10 times per year, just gimme a yell anytime and I'll go....if the weather is decent. We do need to do a big OR event down there though - like we did with a bunch a few years ago. I know of some big cabins that'll sleep 14 or so.
  7. I'd have said something earlier but wanted to make sure the weather cooperated. If it wasn't going to be at least 65 and sunny, I'd bail on it. Might be the last ride of any distance of the year for me.
  8. Doesn't help throwing them up at the last minute either... see: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=574725#post574725 I'd be happy to puty on a trip out west again for those that haven't been before and would like to go. Utah, New Mexico, etc.
  9. Really last minute as i wasn't sure what the weather was gonna be, but it looks to be 75 and sunny so I'm going..... Leaving Indy Friday and heading to Deal's Gap area (Maryville or Alcoa) for Friday night. Will be riding down, but you could trailer if you want to. Saturday I'm gonna head south and stay in Helen, GA area Saturday night. This will allow riding the Gap, Blood Mountain, TWO, etc. Great rides all the way down and back. If anyone wants to go along from Columbus, central Ohio - we can meet up in Cincinnati or Lexington, KY somethime Friday. Holla if ya wanna go.
  10. Earache

    Congrats Iowa

    Being an OU grad, I'm kinda diggin' it. Hope Rufus comes out and kicks Brutus' ass again:bow:
  11. Earache

    Congrats Iowa

    OSU sucks worse, apparently.
  12. Radar detector and GPS RAM mounts on same bike... Once you have a RAM ball on the bike, you can mount damned near anything to it - camerasd, GPS, phone, radar detectors, tollway transponders, etc. And they're easy to swap from bike to bike.
  13. Cradle and diamond ball... iPhone snapped into mount.... Mount on a standard length RAM arm.... Mount on bike that I made...
  14. Get a RAM clip for the iphone and and a RAM ball for the triple stem hole - all for about $50 see: http://www.altrider.com/ram-cradle-apple-iphone-3g/pid/279 for the cradle, diamond ball mount (bolts to back of cradle and the RAM arm - you'll need all three pieces. Then get the RAM stem hole ball here: http://www.altrider.com/ram-steering-stem-expanding-mount-/pid/148 RAM balls are a real tough rubber and will isolate your phone from vibrations and are infinitely adjustable. I use them to mount my GPS, cameras and other crap to my bikes and they work extremely well.
  15. Time for the new K1600 six cylinder!
  16. Be sure to drag lots of mud outta the woods and onto the road. They like it when you do that.
  17. I'm leaving Indy around 5:00 PM on Friday, October 8th and heading southwest to Searcy, Arkansas. Friday night will be spent in Paducah, KY at Marriott that the wife got a cheap room for me in. Saturday night will be spent in Searcy at the MHotel. They accept JC Penney credit cards so I just had to stay there. It was cheap too. Clean, nice and comfy to boot. Sunday will be spent getting my ass back home. Mileage: 1,000 miles or so for the entire weekend from Indy. Ohio peeps need to add another 100-200 miles each way. Will attempt to do mostly backroads and twisties - if we can find'em. Will meet a friend of mine in Searcy, he's in town to get married - again- and will trailer his bike along so we can ride on Saturday. Not going to the wedding itself as it's on Sunday (10-10-10) at 3:00 PM and we'd be long gone by then. So I'll just buy'em a beer Saturday night and call it even. Weather is forecast to be sunny and mid 80's the entire way. Last good ride of the season. I'm riding with one other guy, Rory (R1) from Indiana. If anyone wants to tag along, holla.
  18. Nothing from Tejas? Would be cool to see that one in print.
  19. I'm cruisng around in New Hampshire. Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine this week for work. Have been taking alot of back roads and am staying near Laconia, NH tonight at some local hotel. This area should probably be best avoided in the summer months; lotsof lakes surrounded by go cart tracks, tee shirt stores, fudge shops, the usual tourity crap that I do my best to avoid. Traffic would sucks balls here in the summer, kinda crowded streets now and it's out of season. Cops are absolutely everywhere! Worse than Ohio <ggg>. Wasn't speeding in the rent a racer cage luckily, but I'd have been toast on a bike a couple of times today. Got some shitty iPhone pics - might post a couple if they com eout good enough after I downlaod them.
  20. Shit hit our plane. So I'm sitting in Cincinnati airport waiting on another plane / crew to be broguht in from New York. So my 8:00 PM flight outa here is now gonna be my 11:45 PM flight outa here. Should get to my hotel tonight by 3:00 AM or so. Suck!!! And what's with CVG locking up at 8:00 PM? No food or drink available in this podunk airport. Of course, there's only 2 flights leaving later tonight, but some dinner and a beer would have been nice.
  21. Has a lot of gravel as it's in an old gravel pit. Can be over run with quads and the associated hilljacks that ride them. Some of the steep walls dropping into teh gravel pits themselves are fun. Pretty far from Columbus though. There's also an off road riding area south of Indy near Bedford. it's about the same distance as Badlands from Cbus. here's another: http://www.redbirdsra.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
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