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Everything posted by Earache

  1. That's a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad joke.
  2. I have one and it's yours if you want it; Sunday, full color, etc. Also have the accompanying Project Muegello seat ticket - seating area for Ducati owners. Email your name and address to me at EaracheMS@Gmail.com
  3. I live to disappoint! 66 was "decomissioned" if you will, so it no longer exists as a route. Most of it was replaced by interstates. A lot of the road physically isn't there anymore. You can retrace the route by following directions over other routes, interstates and local roads but it can be a chore to figure out where you're going. There's a load of magazines, books, etc that will help you navigate as much of the route as possible. Head over to Barnes and Noble's travel section and peruse soemfot he books on Route 66 - there's a shitload of them. Not to mention that there are routes to Cali that are 1,000 times more interesting than the boring Route 66.
  4. Anyone inetersted in going down on Thursday afternoon / evening- October 8th? I'm thinking that I'll probably do that and then ride a bit on Friday.
  5. It was hot! Mid 80's with high humidity. I'm hoping it's a bit cooler - like in the 70's. We got rained on a little bit, but not too badly. Will have to strat checking weatehr next week to see what's up.
  6. Sheeeit - you young'uns won't be able to keep up.... At least as long as my Geritol prescription holds out.
  7. Need some new tars after a couple of days down here.....
  8. Some more piccies from the weekend...
  9. Oh it's okay, the rider is gonna plead "not dead":rolleyes: I'm sure her lawyer entered that plea for her - as you'd expect him to do.
  10. Hopinbg for no rain tomorrow so I can get in some riding with few or no cops. Not too many bikes here today - just a few HD's here and there.
  11. Left home at 9:00 today, heading for Tennessee... Six hours later and I'm at the rental cabin...
  12. I'm not leading anything - it'd be like herding kittens! If ya want, I'll put together a bunch of route sheets with directions that you can carry in your tank bags. That way we won't have to wait on people and no one will get lost . Then we can just pick a route for the day and go.
  13. Secret road my ass - that's the same route I mentioned before - only I'd go past 107 and take 215 north. It deadends into the Blue Ridge Parkway and follow that back northwest towards the hotels. His route would be better for us in reverse - taking 64 east outta Highlands to Lake Toxaway (busy road, lots of cops and traffic on 64) and then north on 281 to 107. That would at least take us back towards Cherokee and then on towards Maryville. 107 ain't all that great, 281 is like 215 - maybe smoother as 215 has some fucked up sections - but it just kinda ends and we'd have to backtrack to get back. Tarffic anywhere near Highlands area on a weekend is gonna suck dog balls. Beyond slow two lanes with no passing zones anywhere. Might just have to suck it up though ifu guys wanna go down there. His route kinda by-passes Highlands, but we'd have to follow it backwards to get outta there. OR - we could take his route to 215 north and then to the BRP to Cherokee. That's a long assed day of riding though. Don't get stuck on following any specific route - all of the roads beat the shit outta anything we have back home - so you can't go wrong.
  14. Is there any way in Hell that this event will actually take place? I mean, I hope the place opens and does well, but is it any closer to opening than it was a month ago?
  15. You're my hero, Brian. It's a lot easier to do than it looks but can take a couple of minutes the first time you do it.
  16. Roger, you're a fuckin' reatrd. Shit like this makes me wanna cancel my AMA membership - I'm to embarassed to belong to a group that has this fuckwit as it's leader. The 883 class years ago sucked balls and the 1200 class wouldn't be any different. HD riders don't go to roadraces - never have and never will. They're more interested in putting fringe on their bikes and drinking Coors Light all day.
  17. Casing a jump is never fun ...unless you're the one taking the pics. Nice shots!
  18. It's kinda far out, but right now, next weekend looks pretty shitty with 60% chance of rain. Bummer. I'll still head down there for a few days, but if iot rains like a bitch I'll becoming home early. Probably leave Wednesday morning so that I can get there by noon and get in some riding for the day....unless it rains.
  19. I know you hate me, I just had to rub it in a bit
  20. Maple Ave is way to congested for red light cameras. Gonna have to stay off of that road if they put in red light cams. Accident rates go up, but so do revenues, and that's what the city is looking at.
  21. I'm heading down to TN / NC / GA next Wednesday for 4-5 days. I'll have to come back home to get another set of tires mounted for our trip down on the 9th. Should be fun! Will let you know if I find any new roads (kinda doubt it).
  22. My '02 ST11000 - I toss a Hele2Wheels XL Clothes Sack ( see: http://www.racerpartswholesale.com/product/1104/Helen_Twowheels_Clothes_Sacks ) across the passenger seat and tie it on with two ROK straps and I'm good to go. Easy and quick on and off, easy to carry to hotel room and it holds more crap than I could ever need on a bike trip. I keep clothes inside of it in camping dry bags as teh Helen can leak in heavy rains despite it's claim to be waterproof. The Honda panniers I keep spares in (tools, maps, camelbak, bike cover, etc) and rarely use them clothes. Stuff that is in there is in there year 'round. Also use for anything I might pick up during the day so I don't have to repack the Helen bag to add stuff. My small tank bag carries camera, ear plugs, knife, pens, apper and crap like that. Finally, I bungee a 12 pack color on top. Usually has some water and a couple of pops in it.
  23. Blood Mtn is also on Rt.129 - only in Georgia. It's fairly curvy but what makes it cool is that the uphill lanes are two lanes wide while the downhill side is one lane wide. With teh two lane wide sections, you can generate some huge corner speed by using both lanes. Plus, the road is smooth as a baby's ass. It rocks, big time. But they do have a few po-po hanging out in the area on the weekends. Part of The Loop takes you over to TWO where you can eat, hang out on the porch with drinks, etc. Nice place when it's not too busy.
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