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Everything posted by Earache

  1. I can do about 320 miles on a tank in my bike, but the ZX's got about 140 from a tank. I pretty much knew where all of the fuel stops were from having done these routes before, so we never ran out at all. Wasn't a problem at all.
  2. They have arches? No shit? Damn, missed them.
  3. I'll have some more pics up tomorrow - have yet to resize them. Santa Fe is next!
  4. It's pretty easy to tell when you're outta Utah and into New Mexico. That big assed rock (called "Shiprock") in the first pic is over 30 miles away....
  5. Did some "on bike" pics as I was riding. Not really all that safe, but there's no one else to hit out here....
  6. After a day getting to Torrey, we head for Santa Fe, New Mexico next....
  7. The food was okay, but I was so hungry that I'd have eaten the asshole out of a skunk and been happy with it. Nice roads to our hotel... Room even came with a view out the back door...
  8. Holed up in the Best Western and walked across the street to the restaurant. Check out the view in the "dining room"....
  9. Next day and we're blasting to Torrey, Utah for a night. It's a haul but we hav ethe raods to ourselves and the scenery is well worth it....
  10. Time to burn some tires on the way back to gateway....with no guardrails...
  11. It was so hot that I wanted to sell my bike and get a raft for the Colorado River... Then I'd stand under the umbrella with a beer and yell "Row, bitch, row!" at my wife.
  12. Leggo my gecko... If ya don't like guardrails, how about some sheer rock face to smack into?
  13. Ben wasn't diggin' the whole "no guardrail" thing with sheer drops off the side of the road. You won't fuck up a corner here more than once...
  14. Next day and we're off tpo Maob to fart around, It was so freakin' hot that we didn't do all that much when we got there...
  15. After a long day riding, beers and charred meat are needed....
  16. Where was I? Oh yeah, we arrived in a little paradiise known as gateway. The raod in wasn't too bad at all.... The room was nice before our messy asses moved in..
  17. Nope - 30 seconds exposure on the camera with an LED flashlight. N o photochop at all.
  18. Ben wrote his name with a red LED.... Not to be outdone, Garrett expressed himself as well.... More tomorrow - off to bed now.
  19. It's midnight here and we just got back from fuckin' around out in the desert...
  20. No one wants to see my ugly ass and someone has to take the pics.
  21. More pics later - I need beer............
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