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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Little over a week to go. Now is the time to be mounting new tires, getting new brakepads on, oil changes, etc. It's gonna be fun!
  2. Me neither. Having seen the MSF classes in action, I wasn't impressed. Some are under the impression that you just take the class and start riding. Nothing will replace the years oif experience and seat time. Do agree with the "skills appropriate bike" thing though. Most of my riding freids started as little kids in mini bikes, moved up to 90cc and 125 cc MX bikes, then 250 and open MX bikes before street bikes. This was all done over many years - around 15 years - before graduating to liter bikes in their mid 20's. Then after 20 years of street and track riding, they are all fast as shit, safer as shit and are enjoying a lifetime of riding. But no MSF classes.
  3. Not specifically for the GP cam, but I just built a tower that attaches to the passenger seat. It will allow you to set the cam so that the view is from above and behind the rider, looking down. Should help people with their form and you can see all of the rider from this viewpoint. I'm going to powdercoat it tomorrow and will try to remember to take some pictures of it installed on a bike. Will also try to get some of the video footage as well.
  4. I hope I don't have to go anywhere near it this or any other weekend:D Will most likely be riding south of the Franklin, NC area.
  5. Yup - heading to North Carolina to ride. Will be skipping the Gap this time though. Why do you ask? Need something done to your bike?
  6. Not on a sportbike - went through on my ST though. Pic from this week's Killboy page:
  7. Fobus molded paddle type for my PPK - small and cheap.
  8. It's only the Gap itself that blows - lots of other good places to ride there. You should still go if you've never been.
  9. Just ordered a set 30 minutes ago. The ST has a fucked up tire size on the front (18") that often limits what tires I can get. These are as good as any others that I've tried, so I'll stick with them. I think this is about the 4th or 5th set I've had.
  10. Seriously though; I use BT021's on the ST. I can get around 6,000 miles from a set on tours through the deserts and mountains. Tires disappear fast when you combine the high speeds of the desert with the heat and aggresive aggregate that they use on the roads out there. I'd go for a harder compound tour tire. Grip isn't going to be an issue; we won't be on any super twisty roads while railing along at high speed. We'll be stopping to take pics, etc. Grip simply won't factor in.
  11. I assume they did some market research and there's some kind of demand for it, but who buys this shit????
  12. Earache

    Just awesome

    As long as they were still in his store, I say shoot away. His right to blast them stops as they leave the front door unless they're shooting back. Gus is my hero - tough old guy.
  13. Pic from this week's www.Killboy.com updates.... Illustrates my point about shitty riders on cruisers perfectly. Who in the Hell crashes on an open right hand turn down there??? Takes some real fuckin' talent!
  14. It's in the plan - you're thinking Route 82 between Twins Lakes and Aspen. Couple of pics froma previous trip.... Kansas and eastern Colorado do suck dog balls, but both are crawling with cops - so we shouldn't be too bored unless we want tickets.
  15. No, I don't think so. As my police friend always says: "We're trained to drive like that, the genereal public isn't"
  16. Yup - see rant here: http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=32325
  17. I'm kinda sorta nearly famous now: http://killboy.blogspot.com/ (2/3 of the way down) or here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_LxZ4Mi3rR3Q/SoJr8vwN6QI/AAAAAAAAZ_k/MXllxYNdz38/s1600-h/img_8247.jpg Autograph line forms to the right, don't push - plenty for everyone.
  18. If anyone needs trailer parking and their hotel doesn't allow it or have room for it, I have room at my house. Just email me at EaracheMS@Gmail.com and I'll get some directions and contact info to you. Eric
  19. Firmed up schedule... Date Destination Weds, Sept 2 Columbus to Indy after work 200 miles Thurs, Sept 3 Hampton Inn Salina Salina, Kansas 650 miles Fri, Sept 4 Breckenridge, Colorado Hotel: Great Divide Lodge 690 miles Sat, Sept 5 Gateway, Colorado Hotel: Gateway Canyons Resort 440 miles Sun, Sept 6 Gateway, Colorado Hotel: Gateway Canyons Resort 200 miles – ride Moab, Canyonlands, etc Mon, Sept 7 Torrey, Utah Hotel: Best Western Torrey 335 miles Tues., Sept 8 Santa Fe, New Mexico Hotel: Hilton Santa Fe 503 miles Weds., Sept 9 Santa Fe, New Mexico Hotel: Hilton Santa Fe No miles – eat, drink and be fat all day, maybe ride to Taos for a bit Thurs, Sept 10 Tulsa, OK Hotel: Casino 642 miles Fri, Sept 11 Indianapolis 650 miles We can stay at any location an extra day and just get home on Saturday rather than Friday - just an option
  20. Yup - really nicely done, too. See the black portion in the pic below...
  21. You'll have to show me someday then and I'll try to keep up with you guys. Sorry I'm being so squidly.
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