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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Shot the kids from about a mile away with the zoom...
  2. Leaving Breckenridge and hammering towards Aspen... Just can't get away from "The Man".... Talked to him for a bit, he was pretty cool. Plus, he was going the other way. Still, we rode like choir boys to the edge of town.
  3. Next day and we're headed for Gateway, Colorado via Aspen and Leadville. Saw a drunk outside the bar oin Leadville...
  4. While we were gone from the room, shit bomb must have gone off as there was shit all the place when we got back. Must have a word with the housekeeping staff...
  5. ...and immediately went to the hotel bar for a few beverages.... And then stumbled into town for some chow... Breckenridge has a rather large gay community...
  6. Settled into our Huuuuge assed room for the night...
  7. Blew through Loveland Pass on the way to Breckenridge for the night... 45F and rainy - just lovely...
  8. Scenery was mildly better than back home...
  9. Garrett was so excited to finally be in Colorado that he pee'd his pants... Ben and I were also excited, but to a lesser degree.
  10. Garrett wore his weave cap into the truck stop in Colorado. Thought wer were gonna get our asses beat or shot....
  11. First night was in Salina, Kansas. Didn't rain much until we got there... Deeeeeee-luxe accommodations at the Hampton Inn...
  12. Crossing the Midwest sucks all kinds of ass... Weird people, too...
  13. Garrett's tail pack took a shit after about 100 miles on the road, but I had an extra bungee for it...
  14. We head to Breckenridge tonight and then Gateway on Saturday. Will work on grtting some pics up as sson as I get a connection that is fast enough.
  15. Sitting in the hotel waiting for the rain to stop so can get to Colorado today. Rode just under 700 miles yesterday and have that many to do today. Shitty's tailpack fell apart yesterday - that was the high point of the day.
  16. For the record; Salina, Kansas sucks balls. That is all.
  17. It should be a blast. We'll start a photo essay thread of the trip later today or tomorrow. Lots of pics of Ben drunk, riding like a twat and general fucking around.
  18. My pics are pretty much like everyone else's - only worse. I did get a few good shots at the end of the race though....
  19. Looks good - although a little chilly. Be sure to pack a fleece or hoody!
  20. There's a few threads on this already - should be able to find them, with a search. Lots of people are coming over and you should have no problem latching on with some of them.
  21. I have the tires and pads sitting in the garage. Need to get the oil and filter done and I should be good to go. Might have time to make a billet iPod mount for the the ST. Gotta have some tunes to keep me awake crossing KS and CO, ya know. Udder than that, I think I'm ready.
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