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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. First off I was making fun of them cause there uber fags for roll racing bikes... not for$ also for them saying were husslin them for. Dover hacing a modded bike.... again not for $



    Oh an I. Told u on the phone what I said on here lol but I'm cool like that hahaha. Phil u need to breate man. Have a drink kill a hooker or something. Ur taking crap too serious.




    ::I just farted in my car. Ewwwe::

  2. You're right next to Tijuana, donkey show or your not a man.


    PS. I've sort of got connections in SD if you need some... uh... stuff. g/f's friend who lives there is a huge stoner.


    Weekday=lame as fuck. Make him go somewhere on the weekend. You could go camping, whatever. Take the rental car(s) out into the desert and get lost.

    me an him grew up there are whole lives (i moved here a few years ago) so we still have friends an family there an "hookups" an yea the rental car into the desert...weve done that before lol back in 2000 friends an i got a malibu an yea that thing got FUCKED UP.... they wernt too happy when they got it backl.... (the bumbpers were ripped off an we told them there in teh truck) full coverage FTW

  3. Whenever you feel like beating an Accord to make you feel better about yourself :lol:


    I don't race for money, I drive an Accord. To bet money on it would be retarded. And yes, I know it's an Accord but it's getting me through college and I have some fun in it. So if you'd like to come down for an event and beat my fastest time for shits, giggles and another notch in your ricer-belt, be my guest.


    i drive a neon... ....pussy.....

  4. That.


    So this will be in San Diego? I remember I had a blast riding jet skis there by all the navy boats and the bridge, maybe hit up a restaurant downtown, and then some clubs (oh yea no clubs).


    Go to Mexico? LA? Maybe go see a lakers game or something? Going out to the desert sounds like a good plan too.


    I dunno, you just have to have booze and titties at a bachelor party.

    lakers arent playing an none of us watch the whole bbal thing.. i was gonna go to a baseball game cause he loves baseball but not sure


    an yea boozie an boobies is a tradation with bachelor -parties ahhh i hate this fucker for making it difficult to set up such an easy party

    only like 2 1/2 hours from Vegas.

    have you ever been to san diego? its a good 5-7 hours depending on traffic. if it was 2.5 hours ide have no problem goign there



    but this does strike up a good point. cali does have some casinoes that we can gamble at... hmmm

  5. Ksweet?


    Why are any of CR's members on CSS? For the same reason, to pass the time at work/end boredom.


    Thanks for your concern though.

    ummmm we all joined cause we were coming down last weekend...an what do you know we actually came down. way to go fucktard

  6. Apparently spelling is beyond you. I'm on here just to read and see what's going on in C-bus. I was going to come up for an autox event sometime this summer but the events are always scheduled the same days as ours. I also met Phil at the Cincy meet and felt like chiming in. Anything else?

    yes actually


    yea i know i cant type/spell woo


    since you WERE going to come up to an autox event but doesnt seem like you are now ... GO BACK TO CINCY. an im sorry but if you met phil an think hes any sort of interesting to talk to. you shoudl hang you self. true story

  7. We did this a few years ago with my brother's friend: We took him to Windsor for his bachelor party and put him in that situation of booze and bitches since he wasn't much for having any fun anymore. He quickly warmed up and started partying. Maybe a little kick in the ass would work like that.

    trust me i woudl try but he refuses an even told me ahead of time he will straight walk out if i try to push this crap on him lol(he really is being a d-bag)

    magic mountain fun center, video games, go karts and putt putt. sounds like a lame bachelor party though

    this is what im thinking :( go carts putput batting cages.... ide love to take him out to the desert an rent some 4wheelers but its just not in my budget



    reinact The Hangover. Just a little X and your set.


    we will be in sandiego..its only 6 hour drive.... haha

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