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Posts posted by Gump

  1. 5 hours ago, Casper said:

    Blink 182 just took the top spot on Billboard, Pokemon is the top game, and a Clinton is about to be in office. What the fuck is going on!?

    Wtf is actually voting for her? Those that can't read?

  2. On July 5, 2016 at 10:25 AM, motocat12 said:

    One picked up his daughter who worked near me and got off at the same every afternoon.  What shocked me is the amount of people who slow down instead of honking, or passing on the right lane, or tailgating.  

    The fact that they think their speedometer is absolute and everyone's read  the same explains their mindset. I drove a housemate's Hyundai excel that red 10kph low and people would blow by on surface streets with speeding cameras when you were "going the limit".



    I'm confused by the reasons your shocked. When passing on the right it just causes more BS when it's 10 cars stuck behind the jerk off in the left lane and there's semis rolling in the right. I don't tail get but I make it known I'm there and they should get over. 

  3. On July 5, 2016 at 6:12 AM, ReconRat said:

    Years ago there used to be one on north 270 and one on 315 that would deliberately do that in the mornings. They were self proclaimed vigilantes for freeway "safety". Both were removed by police, but it took a while. It got bad, made the news, caused other people to join in the blockade, across all lanes. It was nuts.

    In the end I think these losers just like the attention. 

  4. 7 hours ago, vf1000ride said:

    I don't bother with the slowing down part.  They are probably texting and would end up driving up your back end.  I'm not gonna risk my car for their shit driving skills.  Now pennies tossed out the sunroof?????  ?

    Some people are enjoying sitting in the left lane, on purpose, completely paying attention knowing theyre ticking off tons of traffic. They deserve quarters.

    • Upvote 1
  5. There's a high % of assholes that ride the left lane at exactly the speed limit in NC and they will not get over. When safe to do so someone could pass on the right then merge left and drop to a few mph below the speed limit causing the left lane home slices to merge right. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, 2talltim said:

    "Who cares", figure i up the price to fix a foundation and you will be saying the same. Just have to do what you have to do and hope for the best.


    Apparently he does or he would not have asked.

  7. 6 hours ago, marlboro man said:

     My plan is to slab it to Parkersburg/mineral Wells then maybe this route   But depends how I feel I may just jump in the hate parade http://mapq.st/25Lk3TK 

    If you're looking for a way around the 77 Wv turnpike tolls that is extremely scenic, which I'm not sure why because that's the curviest part of the turnpike, get off at the Chelyan exit and follow paint creek road and then the river and its roads that runs along the turnpike, do not take cabin creek RD out of Chelyan. 

    It's a really amazing area when you're off the turnpike following the river and the turnpike is above you. Lots of desolate park trail entrances nobody uses.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    We have several Farmers Markets in Cleveland built by tax dollars. :dunno:

    Directly related to an occupancy tax to increase tourism? 

    Beechwood's was funded by a Doctor.

  9. 1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    Artists are stupid, aren't they? 

    "Hey, that's a cool looking motorcycle!"

    So let's build an entire Arts complex funded by tax dollars, which people complain about as above, so artists can sell paintings and crafty things.

    Why not a Farmers market or a mechanical engineering complex.




  10. On June 1, 2016 at 10:22 PM, marlboro man said:

     They charged Me 13% tax that's nuts

    Pretty sure  that's state, county, and 6% occupancy tax. Occupancy tax is supposed to pay for tourism improvements like those artsy fartzy places that no one goes to and those free pamphlets that actually probably cost you $5 each. 

  11. 44th week 2011 on the front.

    2nd week 2012 in the back. They don't say anything but Pirelli Diablo with a little pitch fork symbol. E300 is on both of them. Whatever that means. 

    I ordered a Diablo Supersport tire for the back. 

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