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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Do you have a bag of frozen peas I can stuff in my shorts afterwards?
  2. Which class are you planning ot run? I am probably gonna start off in the 750GT, and maybe a Mini 20. Not sure if I'll do both that first weekend as that will surely be an expensive one.
  3. Jeff I don't recally you being much slower than me if at all at the end of last season. jbotapotamus is right. You get faster by running with faster guys. My last session with the guys from the A group at PIRC last year pretty much solidfied things in my mind that the only way I was going to get faster was to get racing. I am nowhere near jbot, Brandon, Craig, or the others, but ready to get after it. You are more than capable.
  4. I want to race on my birfday. I really really do. What I should do, were I a true friend, is kidnap my buddy getting married, smuggle him back into the good ol' U.S. of A. and bring him to be my pit bitch. He's black, so John would like him, and then we could celebrate my 40th by me and r1cuntlips getting our racing licenses and busting our yellow plate cherry. That would be the goods.
  5. ^^This is exactly how I explained this to my 12 year old son the other day. And every bit of it is true.
  6. My birthday weekend is the one I am spending in Canada watching my buddy ruin his life. So unlike you, John, I will be drunk as fuck. And you better be there at the end of May cuz I am taking race school then. I expect to celebrate by getting one of your famous HJs afterwards.
  7. Oh see that's just hurtful. Just don't take all the wrinkles out of John or Kev's balloon knots while I am away. I expect them to be virgin tight when I get there at the end of May.
  8. See, this sucks. I won't be at the first event. I will be in Toronto for a friend's wedding. My first event won't be until the end of May. So either way I end up with sloppy seconds.
  9. Oh, hi Pot! This is Kettle, and that's what happens when you go sniffin' 'round my bitch r1. You better hope I lose as much weight as you have or I might just crush you in the trailer boy.
  10. Did you buy the 07 Gix on the STT forum from Chicago? Pretty good deal there. Looks clean.
  11. I can get you in touch with a guy that can get you something decent, but it will be hard to do so for less than $1500. One of the guys I work with is brother to http://www.chuckscustomcarts.com/. He often has regular carts that aren't cusomized. He's got a For Sale page. If you do your CL homework you can probably find something cheaper.
  12. So long as there wasn't a ton of structural soft tissue damage and he doens't encounter any sort of infection or compartment syndrome, he should be ok. OK being a relative term to not having your legt shatter underneath you, but OK nonetheless.
  13. I don't understand the mentality of kids today thinking that is even remotely acceptible behavior. Attacking a group of women on a train? Really? I agree, Ben. Public flogging should come back into the realm of punishment.
  14. Veddy niiiice! Just don'r let Kev slather his trouser slug all over it. Bad enough you let him drive the 'Stang.
  15. Good clean fun and hot chicks wanting to do me. Rarely are those words found in the same thread, especially with regard to me. But I digress. If you're cool with my peeps, then cool with me. Fair enough? I'll get my thinking cap on and go from there.
  16. I'm assuming that you don't hear anything rolling around if you tumble the lid around in your hands. Maybe put it on and blow some compressed air into each vent. Maybe you could do that and isolate it to a potential one or two that might simply have something lose inside? If you can find something like a vent cover that is damaged perhaps you have grounds for a replacement.
  17. Fap fap fap The second one is now my laptop background.
  18. Jay-Z tells her that each time he sends her to the kitchen for a sammich.
  19. I am just curious as to why all the secrecy. Brian has qualiied for the privilege to know who you are while the rest of us are talked at? I get that he and maybe a guy or two more around here have some AMA lineage but this isn't a caste system, it's our forum. We're glad to have ya, but come clean man. Do you have pics of Josh Hayes naked at a petting zoo and this is your form of the witness protection program by hiding in plain sight in a public forum? Trust me. I get the concept of knowing where you came from when it comes to actually being at the track and talking it up. I'm a guy still waiting on his set of novice number plates. Desmo B has been a source a knowledge here for a long time, helping us club guys with knowledge and info. He's more than once reached out to me personally to see how he can help as I get my shit off the ground, knowing full well there is no way I could reciprocate in kind. All this despite the fact his unsolicited opinion has come off a time or two with him sounding like a dickhead. Fine. He's a dickhead. So aim I. But he's our dickhead, and we know who he is and where to find him. He's one of us. With Nathan, he and RD have been a huge help, as they have offered help and pricing that has afforded a lot of us to get things going on a budget. Do I get all my shit form him? No, and he knows that. That goes with a lot of other folks too; Hoblick, the gang at Jazz, even Ruben. In Nathan's thread I apparently attempted to explain something to someone that probably already knows better, or at the very least should have. I could have saved us both time and effort had I know I was typing to Larry Pegram's crew chief, or Al Ludington, or whomever. All I am saying is it kind of rubs us rank-and-file guys wrong that anyone would show up and deem anyone else here unworthy of knowing who you are. Don't worry. We're not looking for handouts, or showing up at the track looking for hospitality rides on the team pit bike. We just wanna talk bikes, talk shit, learn a thing or two, and enjoy the ride before we're all drooling piles of pink wrinkles covered in loose grey hair. (Much like madcat's vagina.) We're glad to have anyone that is cool with that, and have a couple beers to boot. I'll buy the first round. But, if you wanna (or have to be) Secret Squirrel, it's a free world and free internet. Just know that we'll continue to think that those smoking lap times you claim at Mid OH don't include any part of the track past T12. Cheers! And I am Steve, BTW.
  20. Get something over your ankles, squid. Cool view, though!
  21. No worries. I know that when we do have questions you guys can answer, typically do. Just stop breaking shit, finish races, and tell Joey to get a freaking haircut! Elena Myers is jealous of his do.
  22. I can agree that one of the functions of a forum is to share experience and knowledge to the benefit for all, or for as many as it can help. And while RD does show a good bit of the build stuff going on, sharing what is happening in specifics with a race component failure would most likely be a conflict of interest in sponsorship. At the very least, it would be bad form and unprofessional to do so. Had this been one of us bench guys - a guy like TRMN8TR being the perfect Triumph example - then I am sure we would have certainly shared. But given the variables of an AMA race-spec machine in a race rather unique to even the AMA schedule as Daytona, and the failure might likely be something that falls within that goofy 1% of shit that happens when racing at that level. We do the best we canto help eachother out here with as much as we can. But I wouldn't consider RD not sharing details of their problem in the 200 anything more than their own business. Just my $.02.
  23. http://www.servicemanualsgsxr.com/suzuki-gsx-r-1000-2003-2004-service-manual/
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