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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. They are the two small brackets at the aft end of the subframe that (I am guessing) the stock tail panels or fender mounted to. There are two 10mm head bolts that hold each of them on the subframe, and they hold the very end of the subframe tray in place. Each bracket has two nuts welded to each end of the bracket. They look like this:
  2. OK, I am usually a glass half full guy, and rarely let stupid shit get to me. This is an accomplishment I am rather proud of, given my penchant for creating and encountering stupid shit situations. At any rate, one of my off-season projects was to replace the tail section on the bike. Can't afford to do the whole bike right now, so Nathan at RD hooked me up with a KILLER deal on an Armour Bodies tail piece. (Hoblick I know I have asked you about the Optimal stuff and promise I will call you for the whole set when the time arrives.....) Well, in preparing last weekend to get the bike in wrenching position in the garage, I removed these two small brackets on the very aft end of the subframe. I did so as A)the were vestigial parts for my previous tail section, and B) I cut the everloving shit out of my right leg on one last year swinging a naked leg over it during a wrenching action. So I figured I would take them off. And then, and this is unlike me as r1crusher will attest, I threw them out. Well, the good folks at Woodcraft found that the better mounting point for their supersport tail is to, you guessed it, these brackets - which are now in the possession of Waste Management, Inc. So my plans for much needed therapeutic bike wrenching and body building are now on hold until I can acquire what I thought to be otherwise useless parts. The only thing tempering my self directed anger is the fact that I can't help but laugh at having done this to myself. So off to the forums to find someone with a stock subframe that might be willing to part with two $2 parts (unless you get them from Ron Ayers, where they will cost you $6.80 each). FML.
  3. Yup. Got the heads up from r1crusher and updated mine. I like it so far.
  4. Congrats on the new mess maker! All kids should grow up with a dog.
  5. Nice! Miss my days in Jax. And since I moved from there before Jennings was constructed, I have yet to traverse that track. Hope to at some point later this year. Cool vid!
  6. Track bike = no title. Can I sign over my marriage license?
  7. Dammit. I meet all the criteria but two: facial hair and helmet regs. I have some greasy Mezzican blood in me, therefore struggle with facial hair. And I only have one helmet. Can I get a waiver?
  8. She was merely speaking on behalf of JRMMiii, since he has been AWOL the past several weeks. I am sure she is as Puritan as they come, lady-wise.
  9. Hotness. Even for an engine missing a cylinder, that's pretty fookin' sexy
  10. I need disposable income. And a big BIG shoutout to Nathan and the gang at RD for my sweet suit and helmet deal! Pics coming soon, but once again the gang in Meeshigan comes through! Oh, and I have another PM in your box, Nate. You are probably sick of me by now.
  11. RVTPilot


    That would only be accurate under the assumption he has a brain. As a friend of his, I can tell you unequivocally he does not.
  12. That's a shitty work day right there. Sorry to hear that happened, even more to hear you're hurt. Hope you heal up well, and the other passengers that were hurt do, too.
  13. I've had State Farm for 17 years, on two houses in two states, and more cars and bikes than I care to admit. Have filed a couple claims (one on each house) and have mine and the wife's life insurance through them. Haven't had an issue to speak of. I shop around usually once a year or so, just to see where things are in the market. Having the combo I need plus having a good agent has helped them keep my business.
  14. Both...fucktard. Hell, I still have the tank off the thing and some spares in the attic. But I don't wanna gunk up the OP's FS thread.
  15. I miss mine at times, too. LBTS/GLWS
  16. While I miss the taste of charcoal, I have a Four Seasons with the infared burners. Does a nice qiuck sear then a couple minutes on each side....steaks to perfection. Plus a nice little cooler and side burner. Admittedly, I got it on a wixked deal as there is no way I could afford one brand new. But I recommend the infared burner if you go gas.
  17. Oh see, now that just hurts. Just because I am not as fast as you guys does not mean I am any less the gay. Wait...wut? Dammit.
  18. I agree, Tpoppa. The country is very fragmented politically right now, and neither side of the aisle appears to have anyone cabable of closing the divide. I agree that The President has failed to unite the nation, and as well that it isn't all on him either. Congress has very much stsopped being a voice for their constituants, and never been more self-serving than now. There is a complete lack of leadership from either party, further exacerbating the flaws in the system.
  19. Me neither....at least while I am at work.
  20. You think you feel out of the loop on his bike? I didn't even know he was married until our little fork class a few weeks back! He shares nothing with me but angry anal rape. Hardly grounds for a long lasting relationship.
  21. That must have changed since I lived down there, unless it is buried deep within the homeowners policy text. I owned a house there for six years and never had that added on. Flood insurance...yes. Never had a single conversation about sinkholes. But again, perhaps it was assumed by the policy under act of God.
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