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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. My family reunions were a blast for years and years. But the generation that has taken over running the event has made it unnecessarily political to the point of being almost business like. It's sad really. And at this age, all the cousins I want to see we spend time with throughout the year. So I understand where you are coming from. If it's a great time with family, have at it and truly enjoy it! Otherwise, we will enjoy having you around for the Indyness!
  2. Yeppers. So he knows, I am skipping my family reunion to make it, too. More like, it's incentive to not have to go to the reunion at all.
  3. We've had this conversation, my sweet little Asian crumpet. I am down. We should get together on seat scoping and such. I have friends in the area and can get some hotel recommendations as well. It's gonna be soo cooooool!
  4. Love that shade of red, man! Looks awesome, and will be easy to see run away from me at Putnam sometime this summer, lol.
  5. Really like the color! With the others on the gear, but congrats on the new ride.
  6. Thanks all! The 1098 power would be nice to have, but this one was such a good deal I'd have been a fool to pass it up. Plus, for all I do on the street, an 848 is plenty. But you won't regret picking either one up!
  7. He is talking about his bike, Todd. Not a stripper.
  8. This is a monster deal! Love Onkyo gear. This is tempting as I need to replace my living room Onkyo that gave up the ghost after 10 years this past New Year's.
  9. I have used S100 for years...which is the same stuff bottled and private labeled in the Suzuki labeled bottle a la Original Bike Spritz/Pro Honda Cleaner. Like and trust them both, though I have never heard anything but good things on Bike Brite, either. Then I was with Eagle1 Nanowax.
  10. So you are next to the kids one, right?
  11. Bring home a winner or don't come home!
  12. Thanks, Nate. I have my eye on a set of Akropovics, just acumulating funds right now. But I appreciate you mentioning them! It is fairly quiet until you really open the throttle.
  13. You have crossed over to the Italian side with a mulit...? No? Then a Big Wheel with that big ass e-brake thing and a bucket trunk in the back.
  14. Thanks! I will check it out for certain.
  15. Sweet! Congrats on your new Italian baby as well! Shoot me a PM with your cell and we'll get out and break these things in right proper!
  16. Thanks, Pauly. It's a '12 with 1100 miles on it. So I will see you in about 6400 miles then?
  17. So 4 years sans streetbike came to an end on my birtday Sunday. Got a decent deal (I think) on the little beauty in red.
  18. This is absolutely on my list of things to attend in the next 2-3 years.
  19. This is a gorgeous bike! I have been eyeballing an 848 to get back on the street with, and this is one of the few bikes that has turned my head away from the Italian. Wish I had the scratch. Good luck moving this thing, though I doubt you'll need it. Tres secsi!
  20. Truly sad. RIP, Wolverine.
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