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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. +1 Bad. Knowing that Meeshigan is a guaranteed win on the Bucks schedule honestly takes the fun out of it. Simialr to the Browns/Stillers thing. Guess it keeps the overall kharmic balance in my football life.
  2. This is a pretty remarkable rock we live on. Awesome find, Ben!
  3. No music today. Listening to Lewis Black stand-up.
  4. Congrats, you crazy kids! Hope mama is doing very well.
  5. Can someone pour some syrup on the waffles in this thread? It's lunch time.
  6. Wonder if there were bids on the leftovers. Those would make one hell of a fap appliance.
  7. RVTPilot


    I muthafuggin' O!!!
  8. RVTPilot

    Reebok Zigs

    I have been wearing a pair of zigtechs since August and they have not only been more comfortable thank any other sneaks I have worn in I don't know how long. Plus they have made it easier to run and exercise on my left knee which had microfracture surgery three years ago. Will replace these with another pair when they are worn out.
  9. I heard Bubba 10, maybe 12 years ago when he was in Tampa just starting into syndication. Kinda sucked, wasn't impressed. He just seemed to try to hard to be more over the top than Stern. Got himself fired/suspended a couple times but it was beyond juvenile. Maybe since he has sharpened his shtick, otherwise I can't see why anyone would pay to listen to him.
  10. It's like the Pillsbury doughboy molested a gingerbread cookie.
  11. I haven't the slightest idea who the fuck Snooki is, and somehow I think I am all the better for it.
  12. Yeah, that made me spit coffee on my monitor at work. Fack!
  13. Rock the fuck on, potential 4 piece meal with biscuits!!
  14. You should be obtaining a DNS server address automatically. If you are familiar with how to check that out, you can see if something (i.e. malware or spyware) canged the setting. But I would start there. If you need help finding your DNS setting, shoot me a PM.
  15. That is titties and beer right there! Nice find, Ben!
  16. What happens when big brother is at Grandma's house and is looking for a snack? He unfurl one of Grammie's empty balloon funbags and go for the aged cheese through a tap? Good luck getting that image erased from your cerebral cortex.
  17. Dude. That is some enchilada sauce away from looking mighty tasty.
  18. ...ummm, are we talking about the scoot in the pics here, or have we taken a trip to uber hypothetical land?
  19. RVTPilot

    Epic Quotes.

    "Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right!" - Woody Allen
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