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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. I graduated in '91. Which is to say, a few years ago, plus or minus an 8th grader. And I am always (well, when I have WAM) to ride and feed. There are enough of us from the LC to justify a get together. Fact I was telling r1crusher that its about time for a ride and grill out at my crib. We had been doing that with some folks around here for a couple years, but life got in the way recently.
  2. Black guys aren't supposed to ride Harleys anyway. Even if they are the super sporty cool type. Still, while I'm sorry to see you part with her, I totally get where you're at. If I lived life with a modicum of common sense, I'd sell my bike, dump the 'Yota payment and cash out a car. But I refuse. The bike an' my bebes is all I have and all I needs. GLWS, amigo. And next time you're by this way on the 10 gives me a buzz.
  3. So does Justin need to fixi the wiki?
  4. Nah, I graduated from Keystone way back when. Moved down south after HS and when I came back to OH settled here. My mistake.
  5. Kosmo is having a birthday?! Another one?!?! Jeeze. Didn't you just have one last year? Enjoy your day bro!!!
  6. Welcome! Word on the helmet advice! I am in the Brunstucky area frequently as my sis and her hubby reside down there. You'll have to help with the 'kinda' on the Duc, but looking forward to seeing and hearing it. Loves me some V-twins!
  7. He is very lucky. Will keep him in thoughts and prayers here. If he is moving all of his extremities, then he is truly fortunate.
  8. Got one of them when I got my RC51. But from this point forward, an RC30, RC45, would be nice. And still have a soft spot in my heart and had spot in my pants for a Duc 996. That freaking Bimota is titties and beer, though! +1 for whomever brought that to the party!
  9. I get that. Was that way with Shoeis for years, and now won't have any other primary helmet but Arai, until the kill the Quantum2 line (it fits my head like a glove, even better than my Shoeis did). But as a backup or short term solution, I do like the Scorpions. You might check Comp Accessories. They have been blasting me with sale emails on helmet deals.
  10. Scorpion isn't a bad lid, either, if you are looking for something cost effective. I will probably pick up another one.
  11. start eating cheeseburgers again. methinks you're fooked until it gets chillier and you can wear a mask to cover your newly slender cheeks. CL that thing and see what you can get for it to offset a new lid. My $.02.
  12. An unconventional root canal for sure.
  13. RVTPilot


    Glad to see that there are some folks out there going through the same thing I am. I have struggled with my weight since getting out of the Corps. My worst was when my 6 year old was born, I was 238, and on a 5'9" frame that carried a whopping 143 lbs in H.S. I've gotten down to 190 now, and was a low as 181 a couple years back. But I need to be 175, and these next 15 lbs are going to take something extra as I have hit my late 30s. I too try the p90x, but the time just isn't there consistently. Maybe now that the kids are out of school I can get it in every morning since I don't have to be somewhere early with them before work. Good luck to everyone here fightiing the flab fight!
  14. I dig Lorenzo too. He's the anti-Pedrosa. I would say out of respect, IF Yammoves anyone up it should be Edwards. Spies spent the last race throwing his bike down the track. He's not acclimating to MotoGP as well as he did WSBK, though I am certainly not going to knock the kid. He's a fantastic talent and I want nothing more for him than to succeed and win a title. But it takes time. I like the way Nicky is riding so far this year too. Being a consistent 4th has to be driving him mad, and as he gets that Duc figured out more, the better he's going to be. I expect to see him on the box very soon. Still bummed about Rossi though. Man.
  15. Sounds like Rossi went Theismann. Ouch. http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2010/Jun/100605a.htm
  16. It has been my personal policy from the get go that if I'm on the scoot, no brews for me. Its not that I can't exercise discretion, its just not good business. Not for me or our bike community. I have friends that will go from bar to bar to bar, and only have one beer there, stay for an hour and think they are good then move on to the next place. Um, no. Not my style. So how bad did this dude wreck his leg? That's gonna take some time to come back from I'd guess.
  17. Kidney-shaped braniac heads FTMFW!!!! I have yet to partake in abstract math, though I did get abstract grades in math in H.S. (Did much better in college when it was on MY dime, though. Imagine that, Dad!) And YOU only say you like English because YOU want to taunt me. And here I thought we'd made progress, Fonz. I has a sad. :sad:
  18. Okay. I waded through all 20 pages of this crap, and figured Cat here was just a fun loving, shit talking, internet muscles knda guy that was just enjoying the ride. Then he posts the above gem. No one has EVER enjoyed an English class. No one ever has, no one ever will. And if they admit something like that, they deserve to be JRMMiii's backup sammich bitch for all eternity, all the while being ass raped by a mad goat. (No fapping to the rapist goat, jbot. No.) You can back up your Prez, rep your other clandestine forum, talk shit on drag racing, claim to pass redlining Busas while riding shotgun with Stephen Hawking. But don't EVER come in MY forum again and say anything - joking or otherwise - about like English classes. English classes are the the gateway to the 7th circle of Hell, and I will not have such talk here. Joking or not, the implication that there is even a modicum of pleasure to be had while in an English class diametrically opposes all that we as motorcycle enthusiats stand for. And gixxie............glws.
  19. I dotted some squid's eye (this reference is to a member of the Navy) at a mutual friends party because he tried that shit. After he was like "WTF, man?! I am just goofin' around with you!" To which I replied "um, unless you are my Mrs., ain't a soul on this earth licensed to 'goof around' with my honeymoon gear."
  20. If that's not the last straw for MLB to go to replay, I don't know what is. That kid was robbed, though I will give the ump some credit for manning up and facing the music after the game. From what a lot of the baseball anylists say, he's a very well respected ump. Just a sad situation all the way around.
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