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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. wait, people just sit and watch this guy paint? also for as random as that painting seemed came out pretty awesome.
  2. having no cable was fine throughout the summer, i pay 9 bucks a month for hulu+ which is actually pretty nice. not all the episodes are on there but i have my ways of staying up to date. only thing i'm missing with cable is football...
  3. should have moved over for her
  4. my usual comeback is i smile and say "i fucked your mom last night" works with most situations.
  5. depends on where it breaks. although how you got it to actually end up in front of you is odd. usually it'd take out the tail section seen here, damage the crankcase, or rip off/severely gash the riders foot/leg.
  6. i sent him the map nick. i may have been gone a while but that route is unforgettable.
  7. the old SD's had a viewfinder. you can also turn the beep and blinking off with the HD cams (for stealth in the bedroom ) Swing'r - i think this means it's time for you to upgrade
  8. it would've been a "nice guy" thing to do to help his teammate win but he doesn't have a secure seat next year and wanted to prove he could win. every man for himself, the first person you want to beat is your own teammate...
  9. so you drilled through the frame to mount the trs? any pics of this if you have any or get a chance eventually?
  10. planning on doing this next weekend. just gotta get myself a TRS, shouldn't be too hard so there's room for two bikes or 1 plus some track duty stuff on the side assuming similar weight between the bike and "stuff" (toolbox, totes) or would you say it'd be better off for one bike centered and the rest in the car? also, I'm assuming you got better casters at lowes/home depot based on that comment? what about assembly? did you need to pack the bearings? what could be done about the plywood to let it fold easier, larger gap between the two? i feel like a fourth grader asking all those questions, sorry. ps - cross your chains.
  11. I'm impatient and would rather just go pick it up. I don't even know if it is fuel line, it's thin, cheap and it works for its intended purpose. The brake dust has never effected the hose covering clips. At most it gets a little dusty in which a spray and wipe of soap and water fixes easily. I take my calipers off to clean which means the clips (and wire covering hose) come off too. If they do get too dirty where it won't clean I just throw them away and cut a new line cover, no big deal.
  12. with seats being as scarce as (insert witty comment here) I'd jump at the opportunity too. his goal isn't winning the dsbk championship, sure it may be an "achievement" along the way, but it's not THE goal and gotta progress when the door opens.
  13. the bike can do it no problem, it's seeing what you can do.
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