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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. mine's hot too. but she's far far away
  2. so over this past track season i somehow ripped the zippers in both the left and right smx plus boots as well as the pinky seam on my gp plus glove ripped (no crashes). i have a feeling the cause of the boots zipper ripping was that i wasn't tucking the calf of my suit in properly? i never had a problem before with a previous suit, ill have to check it out later... anyways, so i dont really have the money to burn on buying new gloves and boots, so i call around for leather repair shops. the cost of them would be a lot of money, especially for the zippers on the boots, as well as the unique/extensive safety stitching on the glove. somehow i found out to try my luck with alpinestar, as i heard they have "free" repairs. I found the contact info for a-star and get a hold of their secretary. She sounded hot, but man the first time was a total bitch, probably blonde lol. Anyways once i finally got in to talk with a rep i told him my problem, he asked if these were purchased within the past year, and they were so he gave me a reference number and said ship them to us we will fix them free of charge. Wait, did he say free? yea free. Just pay for shipping there, they'll take care of the rest. So i ship them out, wait a week and call in to check on them. He says they can fix the boots, but "unfortunately" they can't fix the glove so he was going to just give me a new pair. I recieved the brand new model of gp plus gloves for free. yes, give. free. at this point im stoked and finally have a huge appreciation for a-star and their service, and can see why they are highly chosen among the pro's for their gear. lastly, the boots i sent in were the white "balla" boots. I had some oil/coolant issues the last two trackdays and were pretty much black by the time i finished the season (sjc1000 can verify this...) and when i got them back they were as clean as i got them. HUGE +1 to a-star for there service.
  3. those first gens are a lot of fun. that was the time before yamaha moved all the power up to the high range, this bike still has a lot of punch right around the middle, (nice little kick to at 8k )
  4. no you are thinking of "hi! brian van here, sportbiketrackgear sportbiketrackgear dot coooom."
  5. um, resting it on the tank. not really a big deal.
  6. could always use some more before pics
  7. before and after pics of the wife?
  8. the preview for MJ's "movie" looked pretty decent. he may have been f-ed up as a person, but he was a damn good musician/artist IMO. depending on the reviews, i may have to check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKUSa2G1MeA o and ZOMG the NEW MOON TRAILER!! AAHHHHHH!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUjiOHA7GAo&feature=related ghey.
  9. http://music-mix.ew.com/2009/09/13/kanye-west-taylor-swift/ video is in the link. funny "remix" already made lolz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxKIcrDsJAs
  10. so tressel doesn't have a winning record and national titles?
  11. waste of money? lol support the economy bro! these shirts are bitchin!!!
  12. wtf is tigger doing in this thread? and why is NSFW
  13. i never actually understood how that actually held the bike up, wouldn't it just fall back down? anyways glws. got your text and couldn't find anyone wanting to buy.
  14. Im in nyc right now and the feeling of actually being here at ground zero on 9/11 is hard to describe. really cool just to see the ny firefighters and talk with them tho as ive never been here before.
  15. yes he was a wildcard with suzuki. if (when) he does go to GP in 2011, it will be with the yamaha tech 3 satellite team, unless they drop the rookie rule.
  16. hipopotopamus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZc0hh7s5mc
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