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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. we have one of these that we use to heat or work trailer in the winter. it does an awesome job. but its only rated at 400 sqf. Mr. heater puts out some good products. http://www.amazon.com/Mr-Heater-MH18B-Portable-Propane/dp/B0002WRHE8/ref=sr_1_18?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1360357034&sr=1-18&keywords=mr.+heater+propane+heater
  2. Thats Awesome news none the less. 2 new bikes and a theft ring crumbling. thats got to be enough to overcome the inconvenience of bike shopping.
  3. he mas moving pretty good but it didn't seem like he was really in that much danger. I like his braking system.
  4. You said little so ill assume its not The Villages. Thats where my grandparents go for the winter and when we go to visit they get us another golf cart to use. we normally end up taking them both out and racing them around. By the Market square downtown area there is a series of corners and and an underpass that are awesome. even on a golf cart.
  5. Well shitty situation but looks like its coming around. This just shows that you can't trust anyone that you don't know personally.
  6. You need to find a new "Guy"
  7. Id use the bolt on extensions as they seem to be a proven way. also its not as permanent. so when you go to sell you dont have a bike noone else wants. plus its probably just as cost effective.
  8. I'd call anything around 20 a good deal. Although I wouldn't let $1000 stand between me and the car I want.
  9. After seeing this I went out and got me a 6er to try. First taste. Much better than bud/bud light/ and platinum. I'm a yuengling fan and this is very similar but with a distinct Budweiser flavor yet. It's very smooth and refreshing unlike the platinum which I think has a slight bite to it. I could drink this all night for sure. Kinda wishing I had the 12 pack now.
  10. Is the tuner only good on Dodge and Chrysler?
  11. I'd get a PS3. It's 3d comparable and they have great prices on basic units. It's an all in one sleek package instead of having a gaming unit and a BR player.
  12. This Guy rocks Senator Ted Cruz says all the right things http://youtu.be/Wi6gZU01yF8
  13. My parents have one just like this. it is super heavy. well built.
  14. shadyone


    has anyone even owned/own/shot one of these? ive never heard of them but they seem to have good prices. I will most likely wait till every one starts off loading theirs after the AWB doesn't go through.. I know Im being optimistic.
  15. I forgot who's thread this was. So sorry. Haha.
  16. Just got introduced to these videos. They are from Badlipreading.com .... Enjoy http://youtu.be/Zce-QT7MGSE I don't know how to add the actual video from my phone. Sorry.
  17. How much too long? I prefer longer pants for riding.. Though I'm a 33 waist.
  18. Lots of things! Wild hog hunting. Packs of coyotes. Target shooting. Competitive even. Some classes require you to shoot rapid fire. Because I want one. Because I want to remember the soldiers that used one and lost their lives to keep us free of tyrany. And because if that we have our constitutional right to it. Like it was said its rights based not needs based.
  19. Always loved this jacket. Bump for you.
  20. With Gloves on I prefer Open carry. I normally use a drop leg holster with a thumb break. Ive also used my back pocket holster but I feel like it could bounce out.
  21. I vote to fighter it out. Then it will look cool and no one will know what it is.
  22. shadyone

    Screw Groupon

    I read this the other day. Promptly deleted the ap after finally rating it as complete shit. For once procrastination paid off. Haha.
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