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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. Id love to make it to one of these. the 11-12 doesnt work for me though.
  2. Im 1000% on the cops side. i would have been mad enough to actually punch through the window and drag that rich POS out the window and cuff him for assault on a Police Officer. F that guy.
  3. For protection from the other movie goers. Duh!
  4. Was the UTS 15 modeled after the Keltek that just came out.
  5. The socom 16 reminds me of a Ruger mini 14
  6. Can you convert a HK G36 or and 417 to semi and have them then or how does that work? maybe a preban one??
  7. Always liked the G36c too. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_G36
  8. Just as the title states. what are some guns you lust after. preferably not ones that everyone wants like 50 Cal Barrets and such.. Mine for instance is a Rugar Super Redhawk Alaskan in 454 Casull. With a 2.5" barrel.. Not very practical for anything but its so nice. http://www.shootingtimes.com/2011/01/03/handgun_reviews_rgrrh/ Thats an Article about them.
  9. Svedka is a great mixer. not an on the rocks fan. ill shoot it but its not real good on the rocks.
  10. What kind of Windshield wipers were those weird looking unless its just a Camera effect.
  11. PICS PLEASE!! in another thread if you want. I d love to shoot one just to see if its as awesome as it seems like it would be. id carry it for my CCW. haha
  12. Rossi had the Most.. I wont call it luck, problem free time at Yamaha. I'm glad he is back and I cant wait to see Spies in WSBK..
  13. Bump because I want a Super Redhawk Alaska
  14. I built my system 10 years ago. When I was 16. Hahaha
  15. Last system I had was in my IROC. 2 8" L7s and a Kicker 600Watt AMP. Kicker 6x9s in the back and front doors. with Old School alpine amps running the 6x9s. and an Alpine head unit. Sounded awesome. Was also stolen. but they didnt take the face plate that was in the center console. also only took the head unit and my Snowboard gloves. Left my jacket CDs subs and amp. stupidass
  16. Get composite toed boots. Much more comfortable and not ass hot in summer or cold in winter
  17. shadyone

    Career Path

    I'm With Cooter on this one. I think the worst thing you can do is make your hobby your job. Yes it works for some but most get burned out. I would also love to be involved with bikes use to be street now seems to be more dirt related. THANKS HELLMUTT!! anyway. I want to do something thats rewarding and can pay for me to play. Good luck on whatever you decide but engineerds make Great money. And you could always do what A buddy pf mine did and open a shop that you work in after work. then eventually go FULL shop.
  18. Triumphs for sure. love this video..
  19. I'd stay at 1 ohm and both subs. Even 2 slightly underpowered subs are better for the average listener than 1 sub. I used to have 2 8" Kicker SoloBarics in HS. and I never found a set of 10" or 12" that sounded better. Love me some Kickers.
  20. $10 per run? I've never been to a mud bog but what's the point? Get through as many times as you can or at all and best time wins?
  21. Pretty awesome and very lucky to have that opportunity.
  22. id just put it in a CD. but since youre willing to gamble it id say take a plane to Vegas and book a hotel. play big baller for a weekend and have fun.
  23. Tried to go riding at Longs lake on wednesday and they apparently close at 6 which means no weekday riding for me and they also closed off everything on the West side of the river except the Airstrip which is boring. Some asshat on as quad decided the bean field would be a great place to do doughnuts. so the Farmer ended up buying the land. On a side note, when the guy came over to tell us that they were closed he was Holding a High point in his hand. it took a minute before he stuck it in his back pocket with his wallet. couldnt even bribe him with $20 a piece to ride.
  24. After the story hit Minster we still had power but my dad had 6 trees that were down or at least had the tops taken off. So after 4 hours of hulking brush back and forth to the town dump I went to leave and the light on the corner went green, yellow, off. Which is really weird considering the storm was long gone. But we got it back about 1:30 AM.
  25. I might be up for this also. Let me know if these fall through. If not me I think I have a friend wanting something for his wife to learn on.
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