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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. is an 8x8 the exterior dimension then?
  2. So If this guy gets convicted, then lets say the the National reciprocity law goes through will he be set free?
  3. Even some that are considered 6 person ones are small depending on configuration. I'd say go with a huge 8 person. Then you'll have plenty of room for "activities". But it will also cost more on a monthly basis.
  4. Is that a victory Arlen ness edition? Looks very mug like my brothers 8 ball.
  5. This is awesome. Reason # 11 billion why I live his site. And the riders who are here and the short lived posers that get cyberslane.
  6. I I've my Tauri. I'd go with the Henry in .17HMR
  7. And then you go and run ALL the gas out of it.. hahahaha nice. happens to the best of us.
  8. Happened to me for the first time last summer. I figured I pushed it about a Mile before someone stopped and brought me to a gas station and back to the bike with a gas can. Trying not to be late for work and then look what happens.
  9. Check out this deer.. http://www.huntingclub.com/magazine/blogs/articletype/articleview/articleid/13665/categoryid/4060/30-point-illinois-buck-was-a-doe
  10. Good points Scruit... guess I wasn't thinking worse case scenario. I think the one thing I hate worse than texting is smoking while driving. I can smell people smoking before i even see them most the time. pisses me off that I have to smell the stink and watch them suck their mini dick. then see them throw their cigarette butts one the ground. BTW thats littering.
  11. You better bet your ass that if I got into an accident while using my phone I would hide that shit and if phone records ever came into play all I would have to say is that someone else had it at the time.
  12. I like the mat black idea but I'd stay away from black only because it will get super hot in the summer. You could do a fake FJ style mat black body with white top and a spare.
  13. I stopped in to Gander Mountain today just to look. bought some remington dry lube and some ccisubsonic 22 lr to try out. but they had fake stocks with scopes mounted on them so you could see what youre buying really nice selection too. id check it out. cant hurt.
  14. shadyone

    $599 ar

    What's wrong with a 1:7 twist?
  15. shadyone

    $599 ar

    So I was looking at the Palmetto web site. and they have AR15 rifle kits. If you bought one of these you would also have to buy a stripped lower too. but then you could put it all together yourself .. or am I missing something? this would save about a little bit over the least expensive PSA rifle. and Im guessing it would be a little better..
  16. So basically Stephen hawking took a page from Independence Day. And all infinity is is a REALLY REALLY REALLY big number. There for a REALLY REALLY REALLY big number < a REALLY REALLY REALLY big number+1 Im not saying I dont believe but show me proof. That pretty much goes for everything not just intelligent Extra terrestrial life.
  17. I think it was lucky that he caught himself. not really impressed. now had it turned into a TD then we're talking.
  18. buy the vortex Now save up for the better optics later and sell the vortec just to make some money off of it.. thats what id do.
  19. Depending on where I was when dday occurred chances are will be either in minster or my gfs parents. In minster I have my dads house which would be easy to fortify. And he has a pool for water. In junction city its pretty far out there and her family is big hunters. With oil wells and natural gas on the property. I believe away from big city's is a good idea as most of the rioting and major looting will happen there. As far as heading for the hills that's what most people will try to do. The first winter will be the equalizer and everything will be a lot smoother after that. The old young weak ones and those dependent on medication will go first.
  20. I like the honda one I'll have to try that. As for the idiot that can't park in that HUGE spot. Just drive off a cliff. My God.
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