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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. That BRZ is pretty bad ass looking.
  2. had Blizzacks on the Camaro.. Made doughnuts a lot more fun... and driving in the snow to I guess.
  3. Get a bigger pocket knife!!!.. The GFs mother made a comment about how allowing "kids" to carry on campus is the Dumbest thing she had ever heard. she didn't know I was carrying at that exact moment and Truly believe we should be able to carry everywhere... The GF stopped me before I could put her in her place.
  4. You meet the Bitchiest Dikes on a Honda
  5. My GF's Cousin has a few wells on his land just south of Junction city, brings in about 10 barrels a year or so. Ive never noticed a smell around them. but apparently Perry County is which speckled with oil wells.
  6. No concerns here at all with the 887 even put a couple 3.5" Full turkey loads through it. everything runs perfect.
  7. what a pile of shit. he would have been better off holding on to it for 10 years after they stop making them then selling it for 5 million...
  8. If you want a bottom eject get the browning because the supernova is a standard side eject. Also the Browning is a lot better gun for similar price range. I choose the Remington 887 over the Supernova and it cost me about $150 less. I think they both shouldered very similar. but I like guns that not everyone and their brother have. Hence the 887. Its worth a look.
  9. WOW HAHAHAHAHAHA ...they remind my of the sucker fish that clean the algae off the side of the tank.
  10. How often does he drive these "chain only mountain passes" seems like it would be never. but a Legacy was the best car Id ever driven on a slick icy road.
  11. shadyone

    is this normal?

    are you noticing and wearing on the underside of the barrel? if not Id say your good. If so, Send it back to Kahr
  12. that 795 ooks a lot like my remington 522..
  13. repost .. still on front page.
  14. We tell people our stuff will be there longer than they will.. and you can sit back and drink a beer while WE do it for you... and yes I am from Minster I dont currently live there but will before the end of the year.
  15. well worth it to add a little pearl to the white.. a pure white pearl paint job is in the top 3 of my list.. just like on the newer Daytonas
  16. A tune will really help that. there is a dip in the power curve at just under 5000 that a good tune will take care of. I went through about 8 different preloaded tunes before settling on an M4 tune with my TOR exhaust that almost completely took care of it so i was happy.
  17. Ive got the concrete coatings covered ill PM you the address as I dont think Im allowed to throw it on here as its my company. but we do the Polyaspartic coatings, 3x the durability of epoxy flooring with almost any color combination you can imagine. we only use the best product and its completely water proof. I also like to do a coping along the edge so that if you wanted to wash your bike or car in the winter there is no chance of it getting down into the concrete. I would also suggest Nature Stone as its not much more expensive but looks absolutely amazing when finished and has a higher strength rating than concrete and a better R value than carpet. EDIT. forgot I put the web site in my signature.
  18. I went one down in the front from stock gearing. and stumpalump and I had compared his stock and mine with the change and we are only about 1000RPMs different. and Ive had this gearing since 5000 miles so I highly doubt its slipping. It will run up to the revlimiter in 6th with ease I think I could easily change to stock or a little longer and be over 150.
  19. - The place you must reach for safety is the location where the last TV show you watched was set (In your own country). Jay Leno is in LA i think - Your team are the last 3 last people who called you on your cellphone. My brother girlfriend and father - Your vehicle is the last vehicle that you honked at in traffic. Lucky me. 4 door Cadillac CTSV!!! I gave him a thumbs up.. haha - Your only weapon is the last weapon you used in a video game. AK 74 with rapid fire and a suppressor ... - The frist zombie you have to kill is the last person who texted you. A buddy who just got engaged What are your chances? Id say pretty good. 89%
  20. So........ You still havent started yet...
  21. I dont mind the interstate when I have a longer drive. like yesterday when i had to go from Minster to Marysville, about an hour, because my GF RAN OUT OF GAS AND FORGOT HER CREDIT CARD on her way to columbus. so I had to get there asap. and the wind yesterday was terrible I was leaned over most the ride.
  22. Hel she should just hook up with redbaron and do a photo shoot for the boobie thread and the bootie thread hell.....
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