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Everything posted by magley64

  1. looks like an awesome deal, and if i weren't saving every penny for my house, I would be on board.
  2. theres always that old texting and riding video where that guy is in 4 lanes of traffic reclined on his seat, steering with his foot.
  3. Many of those bikes have windshields big enough to draft a 747 behind, not much wind at all. dad always smoked on his 750 with the big windjammer on it.
  4. I use steel sprockets and DID chains... and I still manage to stretch them. IIRC my old 77 750 had a 630 chain...completely absurd
  5. I'm referring to limited access freeways like 90 and 11, where there is no left... there are only right exits, and if you're in the left lane, and not passing someone, you're doing it wrong.
  6. lol, love the old farts with the "god is my co-pilot" stickers... if you're going to let jesus take the wheel, you better let him start the car, put it into gear and pull it out of the driveway for you, too...
  7. I'm a dick to people when I'm in the car when I catch them camping in the left. I pass on the right, then I get in front of them and let off the gas, engine/friction slowing (no brake check) until they get so frustrated that they try to pass on the right, then I stomp the "go" pedal when they get in the correct lane. When I'm on the bike, I just sit behind them and keep waving them to the right, mouthing "get the f*ck over". If they don't get the hint, and I run out of patience: I have been known to pass on the left shoulder, even when the right lane was open, to make my point.
  8. why not? if that's how they want to enjoy their life.. so be it. I've chosen not to be a smoker, but I don't care if other people are.
  9. Your wheel is an ugly shade of green?
  10. I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...
  11. I see... based on what I've seen with the airbags it might have kept you from going over the car, you would have hit the bag, and your wife would have hit you... Dunno if that scenario would've played out better or worse for the 2 of you...but as I've said, I'm glad to read you guys are still with us, and hope you both heal up quick.
  12. magley64


    HID is a good choice to improve vision, if you want to improve the looks you might try a Valkyrie Rune headlight upgrade as well...(I was always partial to those headlights)
  13. nvm, found what i was looking for http://www.technobuffalo.com/companies/google/android/easter-eggs-jelly-beans-hidden-cuteness-awaits-in-android-4-1-video/
  14. how about a screen shot of this easter egg?
  15. Nyan cat style... Anyone here on jellybean yet?
  16. got this plus $250 for it
  17. I wish i had nothing to hide yet hid stuff
  18. I didn't say they were hiding it from the IRS... But if they have nothing to hide, why are they hiding it?
  19. magley64


    dude, you're killing me by 8 posts now, we need another gun debate to rack up my postwhoring...
  20. magley64


    don't keep them a secret man, spill them beans
  21. magley64


    it is pricey, but i've never gotten a bacon cheeseburger there that didn't fill me up, get an order of small fries and you've got enough for 2 to share. not sure about the "little cheeseburger", never ordered one of those.
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