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Everything posted by magley64

  1. for posterity, this is what it looked like when he picked it up
  2. someone on here was selling a lift recently...
  3. thanks for all the pointers so far... i'll give a few of these techniques/ideas a try. like i said, it's been improving, I just didn't know if there was something I was missing. How close should I be to the handlebars when it is vertical to make it easier on myself? (tight to the chest or arms extended?) should i be controlling it with the throttle while vertical, or using body position more?
  4. I tried clutching it a couple of times, and that did seem to work but it made me uneasy because i didn't have a full grip on the left bar. it also seemed less consistent than just powering it up. (maybe just me) the rear brake tends to stick a little, if I'm gonna use the brakes, I'll have to service them, and I did consider hooking up a rear brake lever above the front brake lever... so that might still happen.
  5. Currently riding a 99 XR200R trying to learn how to get wheelies under control to the point where I can stand this thing up and ride it like a unicycle for as long as I want. I've been practicing for a couple hours a day on the weekends, and an hour or so a night during the week. I've added pegs to the swingarm back closer to the wheel where passenger pegs might go if a bike like this came with them. Right now, I'm just standing on that rear peg, rolling the bike at an idle in 2nd, then pushing down on the front forks and as they rebound cracking open the throttle. I can get it to come up but usually it's not quite far enough (i might be backing off too soon) but other times it comes up too far, and I have to drop my feet to keep it from going over. it seems as time progresses I'm able to get closer and closer to keeping it upright. so is it a matter of "just keep practicing" or are there some tips or pointers that someone has that can accelerate this process? thanks in advance
  6. RIH modell good riddance to bad rubbish
  7. 79 has been picked up, demitrix seems like a good dude...
  8. dweezel sold the busa, got married and has a couple of kids IIRC, still lives in austintown, but i haven't talked to him in quite a while.
  9. very touching, can't wait to see it finished.
  10. I'm pretty neutral on my bike...if i fell asleep, my head would drop but I'd remain on the bike I think...
  11. there is a set of forks on the SP600, but I dunno if dad would want to part with it or not, if you're interested i'll ask (dual sport set)
  12. Accustomed... I've become accustomed to stupidity from other individuals on the road... I prepare for it, and it doesn't phase me like it used to when it happens.
  13. I pull over right away, turn off the bike, and then I calmly take off my sunglasses and helmet and immediately hang them on my right mirror and clutch handle respectively. All of this before the officer even opens the door to his cruiser usually, that way I can still see him in my left mirror, and he has a pretty good idea that I'm not going to try to flee. Greet the officer politely and respectively, and answer any of his questions appropriately. I've gotten pulled over plenty of times on my bike, but rarely have I gotten ticketed. the first ticket I received on my bike, the officer told me I should have run, and he wouldn't have bothered chasing me. The second was just outside the metroparks on my way to bike night in valleyview. (and he was considering letting me off with a warning) Other than the group ride ticket I got with fonzie and koz in new york at midnight, but i didn't have control over most of that interaction, Kyle made the first impression. it pays to be polite and respectful. (probably doesn't hurt to be caucasion)
  14. IMO, if you're taking steps to mitigate the blinding of oncoming traffic (by making a good faith effort of trying to set the beam properly, even if you haven't got it quite right) then no, you aren't being a dick.
  15. clinton, carter, and kennedy were the ones i was talking about (i forgot about johnson) http://www.forbes.com/2004/07/20/cx_da_0720presidents.html
  16. So by your own admission you know little to nothing about economics and federal policy, yet you continue to be a conservative mouthpiece, and take the talking points pushed by faux news as gospel...
  17. So you're saying by voting for my favorite candidate, I'm also voting for my third favorite candidate? I can deal with that... as long as I'm not voting for mittens, I'm good.
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