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Everything posted by magley64

  1. 1. so hunting... now wouldn't you agree that hunting is more of a liesure activity than your primary source for food? 2.that was part of my twofold answer, I used to be into weapons, lost interest when i discovered motorcycles, and women.... could be a maturity thing in my case... i dunno
  2. 1. Name one real world practical use that you've used your gun for other than to injure or intimidate living things... 2. You use a knife to cut vegetables, you use a knife to cut rope, you can use a knife to peel a potato, lots and lots of benign uses. A knife can serve practical applications in the real world other than harming living things... guns don't
  3. The answer is twofold 1. Knives serve practical purposes... How hard of a concept is this to grasp? 2. I used to be into weapons... Back when I was younger, and thought weapons were cool, I wondered if I could build my own throwing stars... so i took something sharp (razor blades) and welded them into intricate patterns (as well as simple ones) and threw them at the back wall of the garage...
  4. Don't stretch it... it's not like you're out drag racing it anywhere...
  5. big vice grip on the sprocket? you're tossing it afterwards anyway, right?
  6. I made some "throwing" tools a few years ago by welding razor blades together in interesting patterns.. sometimes you need to open a box from across the room, right?
  7. THIS... you don't push your street bike on the track, unless you just don't care about it... learned that from koz
  8. magley64

    Gary Johnson?

    He's probably my 2nd choice behind ron paul...
  9. Nope, But maybe they didn't need the whole unit, as they stole a whole unit from someone else who thought "if I take my face plate, the rest is worthless" buy a faceplate off ebay, at least with pioneer they claim the face plates aren't interchangeable,(even if they are the same model) but I know for a fact that they are.
  10. I've done 16 hours with the S.O. on the back of the couch...in the rain... just ask fonzie or casper about the "new river gorge" ride a few years ago... your Buell can't be that much worse than my XX, can it?
  11. I was thinking the 800 or 1200 v4 would have Gobs more torque than that I-4 600 giving him more accel without needing to "rev the piss out of it" then the comfort and stuff, plenty good for 3 or 4 track days a year...
  12. so is he in custody or dead?
  13. true, but not everyone can simultaneously put speakers on a couch, and throw some bows...
  14. I'm not going over this whole thing again... clearly what I consider a practical use, and what you consider a practical use are 2 different things...
  15. shark attacks or shark attack deaths? How many pit bulls have caused some serious injury?
  16. Post is lost on me, I don't have a dog, don't want a dog, don't need a dog... Dogs do have practical uses, outside of harming people...
  17. mine seems to do everything I need it to...
  18. I was referring to guns again... Dogs have plenty of practical applications in the real world. SAR dogs, Seeing eye dogs, bloodhounds, etc...
  19. I wouldn't suggest banning any of them, they all have practical applications in the real world, other than to cause harm....
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