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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I don't think theft is quite victimless... In your example, they stole by bike, and I later recovered it... I haven't included theft in any of my examples, so far as I remember I don't think the name calling was necessary, but I agree with most of what you posted here.
  2. Oh, okay... I'm not claiming to be more compassionate than that, but I'm willing to bet most people are...and mexican children missing limbs and deformed because of American land mines is gonna make for a hell of a headline. Want a cookie? hooray for an accident of birth in your favor... yeah, tell me how a poor homeless family that is starving can afford all of the classes, permits, and documentation it takes to come here legally, even if it were free, they might starve in the process of waiting... they are getting money for free from the government... they have a business, let them run it, isn't that what the free market is supposed to be about? isn't it this exactly the type of government welfare you guys are constantly bitching about? so you agree that some laws are invalid... interesting.
  3. If fox news would have you believe every headline they've written, sure... Sure, the law is there for a purpose, but the purpose isn't always a valid one... for example school zones have speed limits that are extremely low to protect children from being hit by speeding cars, if there is no school in session, yet the timered speed limit signs are still lit, that's an invalid reason for a law. (I.E there aren't children there) My willingness to break the law is apparent every time I throw my leg over my bike and thumb the starter. Who do I hurt? Nobody, my breaking the law infringes on nobody else, so nobody else should make it their concern. As for my supervisors, I doubt they care very much what my opinion is in such matters. As long as I get my job done to their satisfaction, they are happy campers. 28, if it matters... I have standards, values, and principles... but I find it most important that my freedoms don't infringe on you, and your freedoms don't infringe on me... All is fair beyond that IMO... If it doesn't concern you, keep your nose out of it.
  4. so you agree with my premise, but not all of the conclusions that follow, so be it... your wife has job security, the more people going to the ER, the fatter their budget gets... job security. If nobody used the ER, it would be de-funded and your wife would be looking for a job.. right? Who said anything about stealing? the imaginary person in this scenario has his own orange farm, and he's a casual user. He didn't steal from anyone, he bought his drugs with his own money that otherwise would have been spent on gasoline or just sat in his bank account. again, supports those people, harms nobody. why are you so concerned with what everyone else has or does? are you happy with what you have? If no, go get more. If yes, what the hell are you complaining about? And I'll stand by that, Most are... I think liberty should be preserved above all else, freedom is what it's all about. If we don't have freedom, then what are we doing here? I'm plenty rational, and I'm good with being optimistic, I'd rather be a disappointed optimist than a satisfied pessimist any day of the week.
  5. If i were homeless, the US were overrun with corruption, crime and poverty, I might give that a shot... maybe I'd get caught, maybe I wouldn't.
  6. so if it's previous to july and i get a bill of sale i should be golden, right?
  7. again, so what? are you better than him because you are? is it more money than American companies are sending? because I doubt it So kill government farm subsidies... problem solved. again, end those farm subsidies... So... what? machine guns every 10 feet from the gulf to the ocean? summarily kill anyone who comes into range, women, children, whoever?
  8. alright, if you guys get to write the story, I'll finish it... While the doctors are working on homeless joe, they run his blood work and they discover an unusual mutation in his mitochondria... this mutation leads to a cure for cancer, aids, and destroys the tendency to murder... the whole world is better off, and everyone is happy... thank sky fairy for imaginary homeless Joe... now back to the point, illegal immigration is neutral right now... meaning just as many people are jumping ship as are coming onboard. I don't blame them for it, I don't believe myself to be better than them, just fortunate enough to have been conceived inside an American. not to mention, there are more border guards now than at any time in our history, ever... so what do you think this government should do? waste ALL of our money building fences and killing civilians of mexico?
  9. who says Frank ODs? there are lots and lots of casual drug users...never OD... Who says Joe is driving? he lives right next to the imaginary orange farm...and he cant afford a car or gas on imaginary $2 a bushel... Now what about you? should we assume the worst? For that matter, do you deserve special treatment because you happened to be born here? Are you automatically better than someone who was born across an arbitrary border? What would you do in their shoes? you got no money, no job, your family is starving, and your whole country is overrun with crime and poverty... next door (across a fence, or a small desert) there is an opportunity for you to get a job, and provide for your family, as well as be relatively safe, what would YOU do?
  10. Does anyone know if a 99 XR200 is supposed to have a title?
  11. I'd be down, but I got my shop picnic that day... plus I think i'm going for a travelling t-shirt.
  12. 2 examples... since you took away speeding Drug possession for one... if frank wants to smoke a joint, or snort a line, or shoot up on his couch in his living room, he should have every right to do that... who's the victim? Homeless Joe shmo crosses the border with his family from mexico to california, and gets a job picking oranges... Who did he hurt? Not the orange farmer... He just improved his situation, gave his children a better life than they had. His new income of $2 a bushel allows him to feed his family...and allows farmer frank to get his oranges to market efficiently. Makes oranges more abundant, and now everyone can afford oranges.
  13. We've sworn off colonizing as a country... Personally I think it would suit us well to take mexico, but then that would hurt all those businesses that sent jobs there...
  14. I'm looking out for me, but at least I'm honest about it... i'd love to see the government virtually dismantled, and a Ron Paulesque minimalistic government in it's place. HOWEVER, the odds of that are the same as everyone abandoning their guns and their religion... Taxes aren't killing me. Sure, they kinda suck, but I don't pretend that the people on welfare are as well of as I am. Maybe they could get a minimum wage job at mcdonalds... maybe not... doesn't effect me all that much. The fact is we live in a socialist hybrid system, and the democrats historically have done a better job managing that system for general prosperity. Republicans have ushered in recession after recession. I don't care about illegal immigrants, there is plenty of work that they do that I really have no interest in doing. I'm not so draconian to think that just because someone has broken a law that they should necessarily be punished for it. Their reason for breaking the law should be considered, and whether their "crime" has any victims.
  15. I'm not scared... Don't you think I'd be armed if I were scared? I have principles... You have a completely different set of principles, and I'm good with that.
  16. I'm not so bold as to think I have the right to take someone else's life, especially in a split second decision... self defense is exactly that, defense, not preemptive offense.
  17. Carrying a gun doesn't make you right, it just makes your opponent dead, and unable to tell their side of the story.
  18. in that unlikely scenario, I'm dodging the perceived attack, then looking for something I can use to shield attacks, 2x4, chunk of pipe, what have you... if the attack is real (the perceived attacker would have actually killed me had I not dodged), then I would attempt to disarm the attacker... None of this has anything to do with the effective use of a gun as a defensive device.
  19. well, this is where we need to go IMO to make bullets worthless and guns obsolete... you want a "defensive" device, invent a better shield.
  20. No, I'm saying if a gun were actually defensive, You would defend yourself by blocking attacks (the proverbial shield), not by preemptively attacking your perceived attacker with deadly force...(the proverbial sword) you might have prevented a deadly attack, but you didn't defend yourself, you killed someone else to change the course of events. now the obvious difference between a sword and a gun is that a sword can effectively be used to shield attacks... (a sword can stop a sword) but with a gun, the odds are significantly less... (you probably won't catch a bullet with a gun)
  21. What I'm saying is that the reason is subjective... "real" self defense depends upon you knowing the future... which you don't. the argument of self defense, depends upon the perception of the person who is defending, and if their perception isn't correct, then it's no longer self defense, it's an attack... assault with a deadly weapon.
  22. see what happens when you drop that caveat? You now have made yourself judge of who deserves to die... Do you expect everyone's life to depend upon your perception?
  23. lock picking...okay not the most discreet tool for that job, but certainly could be effective.
  24. Really? yes, there are some people who are "gaming the system" and getting all their income for free... but what kind of life do they have? Now those systems that are being gamed, how many people really need that help? I'm willing to bet there is a lot less abuse of the system than you think... As for illegal immigrants, the latest numbers show we are actually neutral at the moment, meaning there isn't an influx of illegal immigrants, just as many who are arriving are leaving... Not that it really matters to me anyway, these aren't my problems to solve... but I can tell you this much, IF i were in their shoes, and i had a chance to give my children a better life, I'd risk mine to give that to them.
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