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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64


    you're gonna out postwhore me, now stop it...
  2. magley64


    5 guys... /thread better than in and out burger, no comparison to MCD, Wendy's or BK lounge... Also Jeremy Brown loves the cock...
  3. You think the grinch is one of his financial partners? Could be...
  4. LOL http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/ann-romney-tax-returns-nothing-hiding-154632291.html Then why are you hiding it? Clearly you're hiding something...
  5. looks familiar... *gets out vacuum cleaner*
  6. i realize it's in bad taste to make the same joke twice, but it was posted on absolutely madness so i decided to share.
  7. shameless plug for XX... no don't do that...
  8. Mushrooms are pretty cheap at the store...if you're hungry for mushrooms, be safe and buy them... if you don't want to buy them, buy spores and raise them in a controlled environment. I wouldn't risk eating wild ones.
  9. fords are cheap to restore, even if it is very rough.
  10. Stop burying your dead so shallow...
  11. I have been a fan of thoreau and tolstoy
  12. I missed it (the name) but props for trying, it actually was kinda clever... I'd rep you for it if i could but rep is so buttery.
  13. Casper wrote some code so that all caps goes to lowercase... you gotta put at least 1 letter lowercase, so substitute your i for l and you're golden
  14. yeah, but you aren't fully enjoying the best if you're constantly preparing for the worst... I can either be prepared for a blizzard today, or I can enjoy the warm weather and ride my motorcycle to work... I can prepare to blow a tire, and keep my bike vertical and slow, or I can hit the corners hard and enjoy the ride home in order to fully enjoy the best you have to prepare for the best.
  15. pollyanna sounds like a great person to be... if only everyone looked at the bright side of things rather than always focusing on the negative... If i got mad about everything i've ever seen that I've disagreed with, I'd be batshit insane by now...
  16. I realize they are rare, but this is reality for some people.. is $7.70 an hour and 32 hours a week all that much different? I'm not saying it's ideal, but it what some people have. If that's what their life is, who am I to judge? maybe watching nascar in their efficiency apartment while drinking the beast is living the life for them... I don't envy them, but I don't have any ill will towards them either. They simply don't affect me. I let them live their lives, and I live mine.
  17. What is minimum wage for a waiter/waitress? and who are you to decide what's "living"? "living" for you might be "surviving" to someone else and vice versa
  18. you don't have to pay registration or insurance either if you don't own a car, you could ride in someone else's car for free, so forget about the 5 other dudes carpooling, they could carpool with anyone. now the guy with the fake social and the license and the car... that guy is paying taxes same as you, right? and I know plenty of people who have survived on less than $5 an hour... No, I don't... I think the BULK of the problem stems from the law forbidding people from putting into their own bodies what they want. Now your casual user has to deal with a "criminal" by virtue of the fact that there is a law against it. If drugs were legitimate, there would be real competition, and the free market would flourish. illegal drugs would become safer, real chemical engineers would be empolyed by drug manufacturers, their operations would be overseen by health and safety agencies...etc etc...
  19. it's a simple bit of maneuvering 1. state opinion 2. wait 3. quote in context with argument 4. find parallels to real world issues 5. lather 6. rinse 7. repeat
  20. if they are driving then they are paying road tax.... or do they say at the gas station "sir please drop the price 50 cents, I'm an illegal, so i'm not paying taxes" If they buy food or clothing they are paying sales tax. If they are providing fake social security numbers to work somewhere then they are paying income taxes and social security tax (of which they won't receive any refund or payment) The only thing they aren't paying is property tax (because they don't own property). what taxes are they supposedly dodging? and how are they raping and pillaging, do they steal the roads and take them back to mexico? Do they dismantle the bridges and put them on their imaginary trucks? are they stealing high tension power lines and kidnapping air traffic controllers to direct their planes? Drugs I still don't care, do all the drugs you want, it's your body.B+E is again, destruction/theft of property, something I disagree with regardless of what country you're from. Then why not let everyone in, and then send violent criminals to a prison colony in Antarctica somewhere?
  21. Wait, wut? who's raping and pillaging? over-dramatic much? Apparently you're going to have to define this raping and pillaging business.. The war on drugs is a lie, total bullshit and a waste of our money and resources. B+E i have an issue with, but I could give a rats ass what country the person doing the B+E is from In a way, yes. I suggest we let in people who are productive, and intelligent, they pay taxes just like anyone else who works for that same company, sales tax, income tax (unless that company pays under the table, then any American working for them would be doing the same thing) Why do you keep going back to my employer? I think my employer is pretty pleased with the job I do... What else matters to them other than I'm doing the duties they assigned me to do? I agree with your premise that actions have consequences...
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