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Everything posted by magley64

  1. your latent racism is glaring...it's them "urban" kids doing all the shooting, "alls us white christian folk just use 'em fer dekerashin"
  2. there is no effing way I'm putting a gun in the hands of a 3 yr old or a 6 yr old...no.... go ahead, look up where I live, this corner of the state has such a low crime rate, you wouldn't believe it... And when the random murder DOES occur, it's almost always spousal... so as long as I don't get married, I'll be safe.
  3. got a few more posts to pass me this month http://www.ohioriders.net/misc.php?do=cybtpimx
  4. one for cruising, one for moving?
  5. it's only an illusion once it's broken... Until then, I contend that it is reality. I still have my keys in the ignition... well, for vehicles that require keys anyway. The one I built myself has no keys.
  6. Gotta say, I disagree... I'd definitely avoid IM if these types of incidents are typical of how they treat their customers... Wasn't it them who sold a bike with a rats nest in the air cleaner not that long ago? or am I thinking of someone else...EDIT: nope that was hinds.. per caspers link above... If it were just some joe schmo off the street, fine, maybe when buying from a private party you gotta be more diligent at looking the bike over, but buying from a dealer, you expect a higher level of professionalism to go along with the dealer premium pricing.
  7. 1. They have no reason to break in, the doors are open... What are they gonna take? I got nothing of value in the house... want my fridge? my bed? I might have $10 in change on my dresser... I have no enemies that would want to harm me... I live in a peaceful society. 2. For what? I could go out and buy a replica of the millennium falcon and it would be just as useful. 3. I assumed you meant CHL 4. Right, so lets say i put it up somewhere safe where my nieces wouldn't be able to get it...then I have to hide the key somewhere else, or keep it on my person... meanwhile, someone comes over gun drawn, and now I'm like, wait a second, let me go get something, I take my key and go unlock my gun... you don't have the freedom to go hunt?
  8. I would agree with this, but I don't believe in "bad people" or "good people"... Or at very least, don't believe you can distinguish between the two without knowing their mind. Any person has the capacity to do "evil" things, especially in a high stress heat of the moment situation where their emotional/mental state may be compromised. Medical conditions can alter your mental state, as well as foreign chemicals in your body/blood. The issue with guns, is that they are susceptible to misuse due to impulse decisions... you can't recall a bullet one you squeeze that trigger, it's game over, whatever damage you've done is done... If for example you start punching someone or strangling them or whatever, you've got time to realize exactly what is going on in the situation and backpedal... it's just more time to re asses your situation... It's similar to my argument about pitbulls. Pitbulls can be raised to be loving, loyal, dogs, but any dog has the capacity to bite at any second on a whim. If they misread a situation or feel threatened by someone who means them no harm, they have the capacity to bite... there is no evidence that they bite more often than other breeds, but when they DO bite, it's more likely to cause serious injury or death... if a chihuahua bites you... so what? you punt it and go about your business...
  9. I've got a little over 4000 miles this year so far... less than usual, but new job, and saving for a house keeps me busy, and gives me less money to spend on gas.
  10. says the biggest postwhore on ORDN (are you ahead of me this month yet?)
  11. 1.) No use or need to quickly and efficiently Injure/Kill people/animals? 2.) Cost 3.) Licensing 4.) Storage/Safety concerns (anywhere I put it that I feel it were properly secured, it would take too long to retrieve to be useful) I know there are ways around this but that's even more expensive.
  12. you keep coming back to 1 statistical anomaly, in a cross section of countries, I'm not ignoring Switzerland, you're ignoring the entire middle east, and all of africa... so go stand on your island of a statistic... one blip on the radar of all the gun culture surrounding it. Ignore all the data except for the one tiny cross section of a specific people...and I'm the one who's deluded...
  13. Forgot about it last night, took some quick shots this morning before leaving for work Engine looks so small under that massive hood, but it's a 400 4bbl pontiac 6.6L
  14. Name anything "patriot" and it has to be good... Look how many support the patriot act..
  15. IF he was within his rights, and he was carrying legally, I'd be with kawi 100%. after everything else that has turned up...
  16. no they wouldn't, look at murder per capita, we're at 4.2, More than palestine the uk is 1.2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate yes, over 3 times higher....
  17. I think a 350 might be right up his alley... incoming pm.
  18. That's like saying people would travel just as far and often without cars... No, they wouldn't...it's because of the ease and convenience of cars that people randomly make 6 trips uptown for fast food or whatever... if there were no cars, people would make fewer trips, and combine multiple trips because it isn't convenient... Because of the ease and convenience of guns that people shoot others at random... How many innocent bystanders would die by knife fights? Hit by a stray blade? I'm not suggesting we have more laws, I'm not trying to take your guns, I'm talking about a hypothetical world without them...
  19. Guilty as charged...avoid little hollywood and station ave if you don't want your car stereo stolen, other than that, I leave my keys in the ignition.
  20. That's my point, if guns weren't as prevalent as dandilions, people would get shot and killed less often... What's so hard to understand about that?
  21. My worldview that peoples first amendment should not be infringed? Yup, clearly I'm a horrible person... And this guy is a national hero who served our country honorably... keep drinking that koolaid bud...
  22. I'm sorry, not all of us can afford supermansions in the middle of the city... on a side note I could just save the 6k and buy a house cash in ashtabula...
  23. ..dude, where is the shop? if you don't tell me, it might take me 15 minutes to find it in this town...on foot. Also, just a heads up, if you have any sidewalk in front of your store, you're responsible for rolling it up and storing it between 8pm and 6 am... that is all...
  24. yep, that's what the broker told me, but to be on the safe side he suggested i save 6k for closing costs, earnest money, inspections, and down payment, better to have too much than not enough. :hijack:
  25. I can't live in my bike... If I'm gonna be paying rent somewhere, I might as well be building equity, too. Also I like the idea of being able to do pretty much what I want it my house without asking permission from a landlord.
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