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Everything posted by magley64

  1. bumpitty bump, cleave is a good dude
  2. I was gonna pimp out my niece's barbie jeep like this before ever seeing this. Or more likely build her a new electric... I got some electric motors around, some car batterys, and it wouldn't be that hard to build a progressive throttle with some resistors and a bunch of wire... active signal Remote kill switch just in case she loses control or gets silly and goes out of range. she's not quite ready for a gas powered toy yet...
  3. I agree, what's wrong with that? was the system broken? Now, on the other hand, if we're going to open up early voting, why isn't it open to anyone?
  4. so wait, are we for early voting or against it? I'm confused... or is it only early voting for the military? do we not want pappy voting alongside major payne?
  5. spoken like a true atheist... Not that it should be used as an excuse to randomly kill 6 of them, who by all accounts were decent human beings.
  6. cheaper than I thought, but I still don't have the money for a track day right now, saving for a house down payment My current rocket jacket is a 40, and it fits nice and snug everywhere except the belly... ohhh har har....
  7. That's cool, I'd like to do a track day once, but I don't have money to splurge on trackworthy gear... and if I did, I'd probably spend it on a track specific bike first, cause my bike is pretty heavy, and I really wouldn't want to wad it up pushing my limits on the track.
  8. glad it worked out, and I'm not even sure why I got on that kick in the first place...
  9. Well, thank god they can't legally protest his funeral. Now all his white power buddies can grieve in peace... (*taps glass* here swingset, here boy... cmon out, tell us why sikhs, and residents of oak creek should be legally barred from protesting this funeral...)
  10. Who's focused on the military? FOX NEWS... this isn't an "anti-military agenda" The crux of the issue, why shouldn't everyone be allowed to vote during that time? Why only military? If you're allowed to vote that day, Grandma should be allowed to vote that day, too...
  11. western union, united states postal service, etc...
  12. but that's how that company earns their money.... they advertise your product for sale on a global marketplace for a percentage of the sale money...In the case of ebay They transmit funds, safely, and securely across great distances for a percentage of the funds...In the case of paypal If you don't like their business model, don't swindle them out of their money, use another service...free market... What does it matter if they are the same company? EDIT: NVM, not sure why i just started defending multi-million dollar companies...back to your regularly scheduled program..
  13. that $2.25 transaction fee could've broken him
  14. 515 garage across the street... if you're going to hilarities or pickwick, get parking validated for $2.50
  15. Thought it was interesting... put it here since many of these groups have political names... http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/hate-map#s=OH
  16. Nice! had a friend who rode one of those, I spent some time chasing his tail light... GLWS, free bump for a cool bike
  17. yeah, it's very torquey. the first time he kicked it, it backfired and nearly launched him over the handlebars... definitely not a kids bike.
  18. I'll upload some snapshots tonight...
  19. who needs a trailer, dropped off with cash, drive home
  20. the rules i posted were from 1/19/10, maybe they've changed.
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