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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Oic.. yeah, I can't comment on the how...I'm not familiar enough with apes
  2. In marysville, was a long hot ride, but I wouldn't have traded my bike for any air conditioned cars...
  3. What's that got to do with water in the tank?
  4. Simple fucking problem to fix... private funeral on private property, no need to shit all over the constitution, just kick the picketers out...
  5. that ought to get the animal rights activists riled up...
  6. I don't care who wrote it, and implemented it, I don't like it... that's less freedom...
  7. magley64


    aaand we're losing again...
  8. Amish do NOT pay property tax, every one of their homes is also considered a church... That's not the issue, it's you swingset, and people like you who have the audacity to call yourself a libertarian while you wipe your ass with the bill of rights... And not even for a good reason, just because it's pc not to say anything bad about a member or former member of any armed forces, all other attributes they might have had be damned... look! a picture of swingset You want a private funeral, host it on private property... simple.... trespassers who are there uninvited can be escorted out.
  9. Fine for me, but like I said, I can't really ride while at work
  10. So rights are only rights when you agree with them? Pretty narrow minded if you ask me...even I'm not saying we should take your guns away, and guns kill people, what the fuck do words do? They make you sad? Aww poor baby.... If you want to do something about it go join the patriot guard riders... block the protestors by showing support if you wish, don't shred the bill of rights because someone is sad about what some assholes are saying...
  11. Elbows aren't more effective than guns, if that's what you've gleaned from my posts, you're doing it wrong... I'm confident enough in myself that I don't need a gun, clearly you are afraid of something, and that fear compells you to carry something that makes you feel powerful. If it comes down to gun vs fist, I'm liable to lose, but I refuse to allow fear to dictate my life... If it comes down to car vs motorcycle, again I'm liable to lose, I repeat, I refuse to allow fear to dictate my life... You do what you want, I fully support your rights, even if I find them utterly rediculous.
  12. One more thing on the Z vs M.. if Z is lying about 1 thing (who initiated physical contact) that's the whole case... if Z chased down martin and assaulted him, grabbed him, tried to detain him with force, Z deserved to be hit, and Z is entirely at fault for M's death... do you think he'd lie about that one detail to keep himself out of jail? That is what this entire case will hinge on, one alleged killer's word against a dead person...too bad we can never hear the other side of the story.
  13. Careful punching nutjobs, you're liable to find out you punched the wrong one and get shot...
  14. How about we leave the first amendment alone? Come to think of it, the entire bill of rights... let's just go ahead and err on the side of freedom... So their protests make you all emotional? We don't need laws to protect your weak emotions... sometimes people will say things that make you sad, get over it.. don't cry to the capitol that you want their right to speak removed... grow a pair of balls, call them all a bunch of worthless dickheads or ignore them... it's that simple... Why do these churchy bastards do it? To get a rise out of you, and because god told them to...
  15. You appear to be compensating for something, I'm not so bold as to suggest what it might be, so I guess we'll go with tiny elbows...
  16. Yes, a couple of shotguns back when I was a young whipper snapper, and there were wild dogs around my grandparents house. One was mounted in a glass case above my grandfathers fireplace, it was locked but there was a hammer there to break the glass in case of an emergency. (someone getting attacked by a dog or a pack of dogs) I do appreciate the offer, and if I were central, I just might might take you up on it. Oh I can imagine how that could be fun, I like to play with explosives and such already... I tried to ride my motorcycle in my office between writing purchase req's and tweaking solid models, it was just a little noisy
  17. oh good, so if you exercise your rights in a way that I disapprove of, can I douse you in gasoline and light you on fire? I mean, laws are stupid right?
  18. Lets get this straight right now, I don't support their actions, at all... HOWEVER, if we're sticking to the constitution I HAVE to respect their right to do it...period I don't support guns, personally, but i do support the 2nd amendment, and your right to carry them... If we're going to go back and try to decode what the founding fathers "meant" when they wrote these documents I'm sure "bear arms" meant muzzle loading rifles and flintlock pistols in an organized militia, not everyone having personal fully automatic weapons capable of wiping out a large group of people... but hey, feel free read the constitution literally when it suits you, and in context when that suits you better...
  19. You guys are funny... You JUST got done arguing that laws mean jack shit, and you're sitting here applauding new laws... OH TEH IRONIES!
  20. Honestly? Not so much, but the notion that he is "innocent until proven guilty" is not in play when using an "affirmative" defense. He is guilty of killing Martin. Whether or not it was justified depends upon proving his defense. Equating it to Holmes is that they were both (presumably) "affirmative" defenses. The question was whether mental state comes into the equation or not.
  21. If I didn't stand up for the freedoms of people I disagreed with... I'd be pretty hypocritical when expecting others to stand up for my rights... whatever helps you sleep at night
  22. Oh you've convinced me, now where do i go to buy 1000 assault rifles? I know, the internet... I'm not terrified of anyone with a gun... nice try, again you're projecting... pull a gun on me, see what happens...
  23. I'm not all about limiting free speech, even if it's in bad taste... I'm not a big fan of HR347 either... more laws, less freedoms
  24. Yes I understand that, but that is an "affirmative" defense... I.E. I did kill that person BUT I should not be held accountable...BECAUSE etc.. insert reasoning and prove reasoning... He is the killer, whether or not it is "murder" depends upon his defense and how well he can prove that defense. As is the case with Holmes, It's going to be an "affirmative" defense... I.E. I did kill those people BUT I should not be held accountable BECAUSE etc...insert reasoning and prove reasoning...
  25. I've been pulled over a bunch of times, the bike is registered to me, so they never need it...
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