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Everything posted by magley64

  1. My longest "daytrip" was over 18 hours and for others on the same ride it was closer to 24. (They started earlier and lived a few hours west of my meet point) It was a fun ride in spite of a few hiccups along the way. I think that was a bit too long for some in the group, and may have contributed to some errors in judgement. Long answer short: depends who you are, what you're riding and in what conditions.
  2. Speed kills more people than distracted drivers do, so check your mirrors. Also, come out here and drive down my roads. If a 12 yr old can pilot a combine down these roads, I can manage to multitask without coming close to hitting anyone or anything in my camaro.
  3. When did i flip on gun rights? And I did vote for Ron Paul on the last 2 elections.
  4. I haven't killed anyone yet. Heck I haven't even crashed yet. If I do, then you can call me a hypocrite.
  5. Sure, but driving and texting both serve a purpose in my life. Guns don't.
  6. Your house may be safer with guns in it than without them, and I'm sorry about that. I wish everyone was as free from worry as i am in my home.
  7. It's not a fear of killing, it's a lack of desire to kill. The off chance that something goes wrong, and someone ends up dead because I had an unnecessary deadly weapon laying around my house for no reason at all is simply not worth the risk. I don't need it, I don't want it, my home is less safe with a gun in it than without a gun in it. Fact.
  8. Thousands are trained every year, and yet many people die from firearm accidents. The pro's will never outweigh the con's in my situation. There is nothing in my life worth killing over.
  9. Forwarded link to my dad. He's thinking about grabbing another 77-78.
  10. I disagree with your conclusion. You seem to believe this commercial is aimed at children, intending for them to emulate behavior. Instead this spot is aimed at adults, explaining that while you may feel a gun makes you safe, other people may feel differently. Personally, I agree with that sentiment. Having a firearm in my home wouldn't make me feel warm and fuzzy, it would be a source of constant concern.
  11. I didn't see any advice in this clip except "stop gun violence now".
  12. Also, if this clip "urges" children to follow suit, what did all that sandy hook coverage urge them to do?
  13. magley64

    Sony Hack

    http://www.pubfilm.com/2014/12/the-interview-2014-full-movie-online-hd.html?m=1 Free... worth the price, wouldn't pay much more for it.
  14. No, title should be sufficient.
  15. Get the idea from this?
  16. I was on the fence in a few of these cases. I was on the opposite side on some, but this is a pretty cut and dry justified shooting by any reasonable standard.
  17. I was thinking turbo or supercharger would be a better choice.
  18. Offroad use only. Wonder what kind of hurdles you'd have to jump to get it registered for road travel in ohio.
  19. Quick web search, used on runways, not roadways, carry on.
  20. This just strikes me as a terrible idea. These "plows" come by, liquefy the snow and then what? Let it re-freeze? So is not a snow plow so much as a zamboni for the road.
  21. You're the one ignoring the facts. The autopsy clearly stated compression of the neck and chest were the cause of death. Who compressed his neck? Who compressed his chest? Oh yeah he did that to himself. :eyeroll: Yes you can speak if you're being suffocated. "I can't breathe" means "pardon me sir, but I don't seem to be respiring at my comfortable life-sustaining level" not necessarily, "there is absolutely no air escaping my lungs" Also, you can restrict someone's breathing without damaging their windpipe. The video shows a chokehold according to every dictionary definition I can find on the web.
  22. Windows 7 comes with Windows movie maker... not sure how fancy you want to get.
  23. Find me a sourced definition of a choke hold that excludes everything but compression of the windpipe. I'll wait... In the mean time your claim that talking meant he could breathe just fine is laughable. You lie down on the floor and ill put 500 pounds of weight on your chest. You tell me if you can breathe or not.
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