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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Again it obviously was a choke hold if the autopsy showed compression of the neck as cause of death.http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokehold
  2. Tazers and beanbag guns are sanctioned. Chokeholds are specifically prohibited.
  3. Pantaleo was striped of his service gun and badge, and both Pantaleo and damico were placed on desk duty.
  4. If there was no wrongdoing, why was that officer debadged?
  5. http://m.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/09/1350510/-The-Pernicious-Myth-Of-If-You-Can-Speak-You-Can-Breathe
  6. Now that we've established that, what specific injuries did the coroner cite as cause of death? "Compression of the neck and chest." How did his neck get compressed? Chokehold featured in the video. A chokehold that is expressly against regulations.
  7. Go ahead, keep ignoring the coroner's determination that it was a homicide.
  8. In the god damn autopsy. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Eric-Garner-Chokehold-Police-Custody-Cause-of-Death-Staten-Island-Medical-Examiner-269396151.html http://m.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/forensic-expertagrees-city-autopsy-eric-garner-article-1.1946458 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Eric_Garner
  9. I didn't need to, in fact, there is video of our interaction that shows you weren't even being violent. I also have strict, specific instructions not to stab people.
  10. No, that pesky coroner again with his medical facts...Let's try this a different way. Let's say you're on blood thinners and I stab you in the leg. You die because you bleed out. Am I now clear from your death because most people wouldn't have bled out? Or did I still cause your death with my illegal action of stabbing you, and your blood thinners being a contributing factor?
  11. You can spin it however you want. The facts remain that It was ruled a homicide, and the officers caused his death.
  12. NOT according to the autopsy: and I quote"The medical examiner said compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, CAUSED HIS DEATH. Garner's acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypertensive cardiovascular disease were CONTRIBUTING FACTORS, the medical examiner determined." Did you do an autopsy? Are you a medical examiner?
  13. Not only arrested, but obviously if you protest your case to the officers, you deserve to be choked to death for it.
  14. Improper lane change is another common charge for the practice. Or the catch-all "improper driving"
  15. How do you know it was modified? Pellet guns, bb guns, air rifles, and paintball guns aren't under the "orange" law
  16. I never said it was their normal thing. I said they should have taken more than 2 seconds to assess a situation before opening fire on a child.
  17. Terrible driver, idiot, and terrible person.
  18. Something like that... yeah, the death of my child would change my position on a lot of issues.
  19. I don't have kids, but if I did, and this was mine, come prison or hell, that man doesn't get away with it. He doesn't get away with murdering my child.
  20. Fully support? So if that was your child, you would be thanking them and shaking their hand for their excellence in their job?
  21. If he were a purple elephant and the gun were a choco-taco, should they have shot him with reddi whip then? Play out all the what-ifs. What if the officer waited more than 2 seconds to find out exactly what was going on?
  22. Yeah, fuck those irresponsible 12 yr olds living off the system. Why can't they start a business or get a job instead of playing with a toy in a public park across the street from their home.
  23. At what point did this child "pull a gun" on police? Never, that's when. They didn't see anything resembling a gun until after he was dead
  24. Not "fucking cops" THESE SHITTY FUCKING COPS IN PARTICULAR. There are plenty of competent and compassionate police officers who do their job correctly without murdering children.
  25. In my experience, auto insurance typically covers the listed drivers within the household as well as any licensed driver that the owner lends the car to that has their own auto insurance. Anyone within the household not named on the policy is typically not covered.
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