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Everything posted by magley64

  1. So 12 is "old enough to know better" in your opinion. How about if he were 10? 8? 5? Clearly there has to be a line. At what age does playing with a toy, even "irresponsibly" not cost you your life at the hands of those who are supposed to protect you?
  2. Also, why does the 12 year old child pay for his mistake with the rest of his life when the cops mistake isn't costing him a damn thing? Itchy trigger finger cop should have to pay for his mistake. I doubt he ever will, but at absolute bare minimum he should lose his job and pay a hefty, hefty wrongful death settlement.
  3. No I get it, I see them as 2 incompetent fuck holes who murdered a child with their itchy trigger fingers, you see them as 2 national heroes who saved hundreds of people in a park from a menacing black man.
  4. No I'm saying the cops might try to figure out what is going on before killing a child. And I know the officer acted prejudicially because he shot and killed a child within 2 seconds of arriving on scene.The officers never saw this child pointing anything at anybody, which is why the orange tip detail means exactly dick, they never saw the tip, it could have been a fucking fleshlight in his waist band for as much as they saw of it before executing him.
  5. How many times does it need pointed out that the orange tip meant absolutely nothing in this case and means absolutely nothing in real life. There are fake black guns and real colorful ones. Even with orange tips. So let's say his parents did forbid him from taking his toy gun to the park, does he deserve to die for disobeying their rule?
  6. At 12, you don't show off your toys? I know I did.12 yr olds should not be held to adult standards of behavior.
  7. The 911 call also said not once but twice the gun was probably fake. The officers shot this child despite the fact that there was nobody else around. (Nobody was in danger) These police fucked this up, shitty police acting on prejudice. I hope they get prison time, and I hope the asshole who hired them gets fired.
  8. Oh the stats are alarming, for teens, you're way more likely to be shot and killed by police, over 20x more likely according to some of the data collected.
  9. Wouldn't it be more interesting if the story suddenly disappeared? Or do I have my conspiracy nut logic backwards?
  10. I disagree, if Tamir rice were 12 yr old "Joey Taylor" there is not a chance the police show up and blow him away within 2 seconds of arriving on scene.
  11. Autopsy shows cause of death as compression of neck and compression of chest, and declared it a homicide...
  12. Suicide by cheeseburger? Doesn't matter what you eat when a cop crushes your wind pipe...
  13. I need 2 million ap for next level.
  14. I don't need protection from myself.
  15. Welcome distraction for cold weather man.
  16. Drama! Non-political drama...
  17. Signed it, but really don't care if it's legal or not, I do it when the situation calls for it. My riding rarely depends on what is "legal", instead it's dictated by what is "convenient" and "appropriate" for the situation. All of these terms are subjective and depend on my mood.
  18. Wow, "driver cop" had just cost the city 100,000 in a police brutality suit. "Shooter cop" was just fired from independence police department for lack of maturity and composure around firearms, and his feelings that rules are optional. What kind of shitty officers does the city employ?
  19. Holder was in Cleveland talking about the speeding case that resulted in over 60 chase vehicles and over 130 rounds going into the fleeing vehicle. What a total clusterfuck of wasted resources, and police overreaction.
  20. Yes! 10 cases, on the nose, I win. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola_virus_cases_in_the_United_States
  21. Photobucket is the smart way to do it. You can host a few pictures on this site, at least you could before...
  22. Regardless of your view on this particular case, there is an unsettling pattern of unarmed young black men being executed by police recently.
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