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Everything posted by magley64

  1. It's not just the police force, that's just the heavy hand that lit the spark. Many of these people feel exploited by the whole system.
  2. Did the tea belong to the government? No, it belonged to merchants. you can say it's different all you like, but the crime is the same.
  3. Again, your justification for the crime is different, the crime itself is identical. They entered places that were not their property, and stole goods that did not belong to them.
  4. Hack, continuously, stock up on supplies.
  5. And now you're getting closer to the reality of the situation. Though my guess for the percentage of those protesting for the reasons listed is probably higher than your guess, I concur with your assessment.
  6. Again, nothing to do with Michael brown, a community of people who are not represented by officials in their community.
  7. Justify it however you like, the crime is identical. Tea was looted. Shoot on sight, yes or no?
  8. Looting, seen as patriotic. Should our founding fathers have been shot on sight for looting the British ships?
  9. I enjoy my white privilege, but it doesn't mean I can't be sympathetic to those who don't have it, or that I have to assume the worst about their character, integrity, or motives.
  10. Cash steel shit? Or make steel shit?
  11. Quit being a cheapskate and buy her a new escalade already, do you want her to be safe or do you want to be a shitty parent? My dad and I built my first car, I bought the pieces and helped dad put them together. It was a 88 gmc s15 with manual everything. It cost $250 for the cab and the drive train, $80 for a straight frame from the scrap yard, and we built it in the spring.
  12. LoL, oh to live in your world for a day. I bet you know exactly what is like to live as a minority in poverty in a town where authority figures are prejudicial.
  13. The rioters and protesters clearly feel the police and law enforcement officials aren't looking out for their best interest. These people clearly resent the power structure in place. Again, Michael brown was just the catalyst for this reaction.
  14. Personally, I'm going to do what's right for me and mine. "The law" can get fucked.
  15. No, again this has nothing to do with brown. This is a systemic problem. Brown and Wilson were just the spark that lit the powder keg of disdain, contempt, and mistrust that the people have for the legal representatives and officials in their state.
  16. If the Republican leadership has publicly announced that they have no intention of working with the president (which they have) how exactly do you expect to blame him for a budget they won't pass?
  17. So why is it on the president to pass a budget?
  18. How old are you? Used to be able to buy a beater with a heater for $50 or $100, but those days are behind us.
  19. Can the president pass a budget by executive action?
  20. So are we going to get a government shutdown every year now?
  21. My dad's car had a very aggressive abs system in the late 90s. Often times I wound have to bypass it using the handbrake. I don't know if the systems are improving our my perception of them is changing, but I don't ever feel the need to second guess the ABS in any of the cars I've driven since then.
  22. So go light up your ride 10 or 15 minutes before you leave.
  23. Graveyard shift, gives you lots of time to protest at times when people in office jobs are at work.
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