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Everything posted by magley64

  1. i get free fountain pepsi at work...
  2. FACT: the tools that the car company provides are complete and utter garbage... toss out the factory lug wrench, buy a chrome moly 4 way bar... $15...
  3. no, your head... quit posting on ohio riders while riding numbnuts...watch the road.
  4. old technology still holds a charge, and has enough cranking amps to start your motorcycle effectively...it does the job, and it's worlds less expensive.
  5. WOW...you mean that GIANT HOT THING responsible for heating the planet on a daily basis MIGHT have something to do with heating it on a larger scale? it's our fault! for producing so damn much carbon dioxide (you know that gas responsible for photosynthesis) it's almost up to 380 parts per MILLION in concentration...(read, less than the amount of spit in your swimming pool)
  6. sprocket change will "wake it up" a little, but you're already behind the 8 ball better roads FTW
  7. Everstart has always worked fine for me. the only time they failed was if i over-charged, drained or froze them.. other than that, they work fine.
  8. Sounds like you ride in a straight line a lot... if you want something with enough take-off to put your heart in your stomach, go literbike or hyper... a 600 isn't going to pull much harder than your 650...
  9. the batteries i've had over the years would last a good 4 seasons if i didn't let them freeze. but therein lies the convenience...if you forget to take it out in winter, or accidentally leave something on, or over-charge it for whatever reason, you're out $30-$40, and it takes a quick trip to walmart to solve... as opposed to a yuasa, you're out $150...not worth the assumed minimal "quality" difference IMO
  10. I have no problems with taking reasonable steps to protect our environment... It's the extremism and effect on politics that ticks me off.
  11. oh they did, time magazine had an article about it in the 70's... give me a second to find it. edit: june 24 1974 http://www.junkscience.com/mar06/Time_AnotherIceAge_June241974.pdf
  12. http://icecap.us/index.php/go/joes-blog/comments_about_global_warming/ By John Coleman It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus. Read the rest of the original blog here.
  13. I get my batteries from walmart...for the price difference and hassle...i can replace my battery 3 times compared to yuasa, and I've not had any trouble starting by bike.
  14. who do we know that is a computer whiz...and a cannibal? casper...were you playing with sears' website?
  15. ask and ye shall recieve... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2683135400295297703&q=turbo
  16. I've changed enough oil to know approx how big the oil plug will be...(most use a 15 mm wrench) if you need a reference, get to a home depot or lowes, grab a 15 mm bolt, carry it over to the tapered stick candles, and match it up...
  17. bring a small pan, if you're quick you'll lose less than a cup, pull the plug, jam the candle, push and twist to make some threads on the candle...
  18. bump for a nice bike, and a good dude.
  19. flat tires are for noobs... candlestick oil plug FTW! 1. Purchase stick candle 2. Remove drain plug from oil pan 3. Insert candle where drain plug was 4. ??? 5. Profit.
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