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Everything posted by magley64

  1. to compound the problem, most of the people doing these things are shitty drivers even when they are paying attention.
  2. it's not just phones, I've seen people reading the newspaper while driving, reading books...craziness.
  3. I bet she's driving again within the hour. Juvenile court might give her a 3 month suspension with work/school priveleges...
  4. it's not even a question of punishment or reward. The stick and the carrot. If we were created "in his image" why do we have this fatal flaw that he doesn't seem to have? Why couldn't he have designed us simply to make the right decisions as he does? We could still have free will, just with the omnibenevolence to always choose good things. There are already limits to "free will". For example, you can't choose to be 3 feet taller when you stand up. You can't choose to sprout wings and fly to work. You can't choose to be invisible. Couldn't an all powerful god who created us in his image also create us with only the capacity for good?
  5. Looks like a new bumper and you're good to go... that cobalt's gonna need some work.
  6. The biggest nail in the coffin to a omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent single god is the problem of evil. I've not gotten a single theodicy that isn't full of holes. The most common one is the "free will defense" and it goes something like this: God gave humans free will, and thus they chose evil. I.E. Free will is incompatible with the elimination of evil. Response: Q: Does god have free will? A: Of course he does. Then why can't he create humans with the same capacity to always choose good of their free will? UHH
  7. shitty drivers suck. Glad you're ok.
  8. Where is your Genetics degree? All genetic code is interchangeable on earth, all are composed of 4 base pairs. This means you can pull a gene from a fish, put it in a reptile, then drop into a bird embryo and it will do something (maybe nothing useful, but it will communicate). Your claim that "there is no way" is the complete bullshit. Complex organisms can and have developed over a period of time using not only random mutation, but natural selection (which is not random). it's the interaction of the two that give us the diverse and immensely complex organisms you see today. If the organisms on earth today were "intelligently designed" then they were designed quite poorly. Consider the laryngeal nerve of the giraffe, it starts at it's brain, runs all the way down the neck, around the heart and then back up to the larynx...Why? An intelligent designer would simply wire the nerve directly to the brain.
  9. So will "the flip" go down as infamous as do many other things in Cleveland? It made Yahoos front page.
  10. This. The Bible is nothing more than a series of unrelated fables told by word of mouth for a couple generations, then written by various artists. A handful were cherry picked by a bunch of priests, and declared the true word of god. Then they were translated poorly from dead language to dead language... Disregard that it contradicts itself hundreds of times, and the utter absurdity of many of the stories, and its still not a very good guide for even morality.
  11. I used to love the debate, with anyone who would have it... but as time goes on, I find it more exhausting than gratifying. Even when I score smartass point after smartass point.
  12. This: Remarkably similar to the book of horus.
  13. I've always used Mobil 1 in my bike. 8000 seems reasonable as long as the oil looks clean.
  14. Honestly, the most likely, and most common response will be, "Evidence is irrelevant, Christianity is about faith not knowledge." It won't matter what evidence this man has, or the way in which he presents it. Humanity isn't ready to shed it's religions just yet, and may never be...
  15. Scientology? What do they have to do with christianity?
  16. Exactly. I've proven my current bike is great for just me, it does everything I want. However, the passenger seat is only good for a few hours, and storage is lacking. Also, if I want to do a really long trip (alaska) i'd have to change tires. Darkside a wing and that trip can be done on one set. Beats driving a rv.
  17. magley64


    social security is a modified pyramid scheme, its not working right now because the baby boomers are at the top collecting, and there are too many of them. Once they die off, there will be enough people paying in to cover the ones collecting.
  18. I concur with some of that.
  19. I'm also planning a grom, or some other little runabout for town runs.
  20. No way any pickup truck is getting anywhere near me on the bike, especially given time and separation like that.... as others have stated, get on the throttle.
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/government-shutdown-backfires-gop-says-democrats-now-guilty-133154607.html Looks like Reid is playing the extortion game... Of course, it could all be rhetoric. There has not been a clean CR voted on (with or without the sequester) in the house, so no opportunity for Reid to table it. (yet) I doubt that he would.
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