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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Without Obamacare, what is to stop insurance companies from refusing coverage for people with pre-existing conditions? "Affordable" is a relative term, "denied coverage" is not. Without Obamacare, what is to stop insurance companies from capping coverage to people who have an illness? Again, "affordable" is relative, but "dropped from coverage" is not. The individual mandate (which I hate as much as you do, by the way) was the trade off, the give back to the insurance companies who otherwise would have no recourse, or compensation for these new liabilities they were being forced to adopt. People could just go without coverage, wait until they got sick, or injured, then buy insurance that day to pay for it. It is an attempt to limit people gaming the new system. What part of Obamacare (other than the individual mandate) are you so dead set against?
  2. WHOO I'm a stunter! yeah... first stunt on the xx was an accident... had tailweight on the bike at the time, hit the throttle and the front just popped right off.
  3. How many stunts do you need to know before you're a "stunter"? for that matter, what qualifies as a stunt?
  4. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/1/piers-morgans-gig-end-cnn-actively-looking-replace/ washington times showing a similar story... Apparently he only signed a 1 year extension... I never watched him, if I watch cable news at 9, it's either Maddow for Rhodes Scholar opinions on public policy, or Hannity so I can get drunk in a hurry and giggle at the lulz. (I drink every time he says "anointed one")
  5. magley64


    Also, they manufacture apple's processors... apple just assembles that into their device in the foxconn sweatshop.
  6. This, all the little militias with their semi auto rifles have ZERO chance against the united states military.
  7. I agree, i just find it interesting that republicans have shifted from, "its their fault" to "it's our fault, and it's a positive thing"
  8. Political spin machine in full swing. Rubio "not really a shutdown, more of a slowdown" Cruz "Partial Temporary Suspension of Non-Essential Government Functions" (I think someone professionally wordsmithed that one for him) Bachman "We're very excited, people will be very grateful"
  9. There are already laws regarding the obstruction of traffic... if a big rally/group is doing so, it's already illegal.
  10. Why are paul ryan and john boehner so against it? They voted for it... They had their say, it was yea.
  11. Fox news spin No, not a shutdown, a "slimdown" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/index.html NBC spin "republican shutdown preventable" http://www.nbcnews.com/ Based on language, seems both news agencies agree regarding who was responsible, just disagree over whether it's a bad thing...
  12. magley64


    lol. i have a bunch of the old browns songs somewhere...
  13. magley64


    Wasn't a shot at him, was a shot at apple.
  14. Not trolling, literally challenging what is being professed as a life philosophy... how pessimistic. What if everyone believed difficult things are not worth doing?
  15. really? You're sticking with "Good ideas are easy to put into action. Bad ones are difficult."? So anything that is difficult to do is a bad idea... I just can't understand how you can believe that?!? Fuck, America was a bad idea, imagine the difficulty....
  16. magley64


    You couldn't just wake up to any song you had on your phone before? wow, what an "update" lol. my old droid 1 would let me play any song i wanted as an alarm.
  17. Really? So nazi germany was a good idea? USSR Communism was a good idea? Putting a man on the moon was a bad idea... Your logic is riddled with fallicy.
  18. Congratulations: your attitude is what's wrong with the current government. absolutes and ultimatums.
  19. fine for you maybe... Many of my friends will be affected, and that's unfortunate. Where they place the blame is very much painted by which political party they sympathize with more than the other.
  20. I've really got no skin in this game. But since you're waiting for my response. I'm sorry for those of you that will be affected directly by this. Democrats are willing to shut down the government to uphold the affordable care act, and Republicans are willing to shut it down to defund or delay it. One of these seems inconsistent in my mind. Republicans cited the damage to the economy as their reason to oppose it, but how much damage will this do? Also, I don't think anyone in congress or the president actually need their salary at this point. With their personal fortunes, side projects, and investments earning them the bulk of their income.
  21. I'm pretty far away, but as with other things that have been mentioned on here, I'd be willing to pitch in as much as possible.
  22. gold is hard to keep clean, and I am terrible about washing my bike
  23. Yeah, but if you destroy them they don't blame you.
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