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Everything posted by magley64

  1. It's true... the only reason i even thought of it was my cuz's post "while the rest of the government is shut down, we are holding hand to hand combat matches."
  2. If Boehner would allow a vote on a clean bill, it would be.
  3. those poor protesters deserved a nap, that protesting gets awfully tiring.. lol
  4. Seriously doubting this, when does the IRS contact ANYONE via email? edit: First 3 sources...infowars, freepatriot, libertynews... if this turns out to be true, I'll wear a steelers shirt for a week.
  5. LOL, military isn't fuloughed... My cousin is chilling in hawaii doing hth combat sims.
  6. you're sure? I won't be able to check the youtubes at work, but i bet there is video of MC helmets deflecting handgun rounds.
  7. I imagine most MC helmets would deflect a bullet if it didn't hit square.
  8. Moar bad news http://news.yahoo.com/leak-crippled-fukushima-nuclear-plant-tepco-060315765.html
  9. Leg humping might have been more plentiful if she were trying to solicit a free MC ride for herself and her friend... "today" lol
  10. never heard of bikestyles? lol
  11. I'm not trying to fix a debt problem, I'm pointing out that national parks are only open because of government money. All the government services we've come to enjoy cost money. Bitching about what government spends, and simultaneously bitching about what the government isn't spending money on is pretty funny.
  12. You paid membership admission, but "we" didn't pay for the park. Its also a really lame thing to bitch about when some people aren't getting paychecks to support their family.
  13. Not trolling, just pointing out the facts.
  14. So the people you've slashed, do they get offered the cadillac health insurance plan you get?
  15. We didn't pay for it... That's why it's closed... Had congress passed a spending resolution (to pay for it), then it would be open.
  16. Which is it? Slashing everyone to part time to avoid the requirement to offer them insurance, or offering them an awesome insurance at your cost?
  17. Then why did you respond?
  18. So are the roads, and the skies. Just because the government controls the path doesn't mean they have taken over the industry. By that logic: All of those socialist trucking companies keep using public roads to transport their goods. Fact is, that it's just a regulation of the health insurance industry. Until now they could raise your rates and drop your coverage indiscriminately, now their hands are being tied, and they are not happy about it.
  19. That's what shady, greedy, and unreasonable small business owners will do to circumvent the law, sure... but now they pay a penalty for that kind of unscrupulous business practice. reasonable business owners will offer their employees the coverage they need.
  20. No no no, that's "socialism"... we can't have a good health care system like Canada does
  21. I said, aside from the individual mandate... so let's begin... "The onerous requirements for small businesses that dramatically increase their costs" Please elaborate what requirements exactly? You mean the ones that require they offer health insurance to their full time staff or pay a penalty? The requirement that the portion of the plan that the employee pays for not exceed 11% of their gross income? "The fact that premiums will be increasing for young, healthy people who have insurance through their employers" This is not the fault of the law, it's the insurance companies scrambling to make their bottom line fatter to absorb the new costs. The law doesn't require them to raise your rates, in fact it limits how much they can raise your rates based on how much they actually spend on medical care. "The haphazard and unorganized implementation of multiple health care "exchanges" (which vary from state to state)" This is a "free market solution" proposed by the conservatives, in an effort to get more competition into the health care market. (Also a good idea IMO if you aren't going with a single payer system) "the ridiculous tax on medical devices" 2.3% is less than 1/3 of sales tax in most states... real outrageous please continue.
  22. What makes you think the economy will be in ruins? It's growing http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp-growth
  23. Well that's great, unless one of the men's plan regarding saving him is stabbing him in the chest until the food comes out. In that case the second man arguing is actually giving the choking man a better chance of survival, since he won't have to contend with choking AND stab wounds... Compromise: you stab him, and I'll give him the Heimlich... there is nuance to everything.
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