You of all people shouldn't give people shit about doing dumb stuff. You're the master of it.
To the guy in the mustang, shit happens. Hope you learned from it.
Go to the forums and look in the personal cars for sale.
If your friend is really wanting a WRX, that would be the place to go.
Good luck
I can't believe no one jumped on this tidbit.
You might have a 500 dollar truck that will leave Sam's vette behind at the track?
Please get this on tape.
Johnstown cops are your typical small town type. They don't have a whole lot of crime there so they have to stay busy.
I have been pulled over 2 times there, both for not having a license plate light. Go Figure.
So did you have the Blue or red bike? Either way nice bikes.
My girlfriend and I were sitting in the car next to where you parked. With the big dog trying to help us eat our ice cream.
Fracassos is the bomb. We get take out there all the time.
The little old lady that runs the cash register is a funny as hell. She has one speed, SLOW.
But the pizza and subs are excellent. If your deciding between Fracassos and Eagles make the extra five minute drive. Its worth it.
A glide would have been fine for a track only car.
I don't think I would put one in a car I drive alot on the street.
Though I would have went w/ a 400 if it were up to me.
I watched the last play this morning on espn.
Do yourself a favor and go watch it. It was just amazing. It will go down in the books as one of the most screwed up plays ever.
If this tells you anything about the officiating. Some of the refs left the field before the last play was finished.
Welcome to the site.
Keep a sense of humor, don't spell to bad, and you should be have fun.
As for the car advice, buy what you want, just keep in mind what you want it for and that some platforms are easier to work with than others.
I play WoW couple times a week. I am on Silvermoon server.
Its a fun game, not near as addicting as Evercrack was. I think that is because its so easy to level. You really dont have to work hard at getting xp.
I had to go back and reread it. I can't believe he thinks he is going to get around 20k for that.
Yes, it does look awesome. But 20k rolling chassis awesome. I don't think so.
Bigger than a GTP? You mean SUV size big or still a car. I always thought a GTP was among the bigger cars out there.
Is this wrong?
So you are getting rid of the lumina for you wife to get a better car?
Front wheel drive? For under 6k you really dont have a lot of options for a big car. I couldnt think of any off hand besides a GTP.
How bout a blazer or something along those lines. Maybe a 4 cyc accord.
Stock honda's run forever.
Honestly, nope the Steelers will not win against Indy.
I think they will go undefeated and win it all.
Anytime they really need a score, I haven't seen them not march down the field and get it.
Our only chance is if Manning(sp?) gets hurt.
I just hope we atleast make it a good game. I can't stand blow outs.