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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. BLAH, my ebay searching skills are lacking. I gave the good govt road worker try and came up empty. I will try again later. Again thanks for the ideas. Looking on Nasioc now. Just making sure. Its only 07 radios that come with the aux port correct?
  2. Damn, thats prolly the winner right there. Is Subaru the only place to get one? I am trying a google search now, but any info on where to start looking would be great. Thanks
  3. I hadnt really thought of going to a different head unit. I dont think that is the way I feel like going. It might be in the future. Really I just wanted to hook up my ipod to my radio. Thanks for the idea. I honestly didnt even think of buying a new radio. I was a little frustrated at best buy. There are some aftermarket kits to do what I need, but none of them work for subarus(new or old) I will post a link to they home made thing that is for sale. Here it is: http://www.jazzyengineering.com/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=47
  4. Hi all, I have a 2002 Subaru with the stock 6 disk CD changer. I am trying to figure out the best way to get my Ipod hooked up to my car radio. Right now I have one of those radio transmitters and it sounds like shit. I went to Best buy just to see what was there and they did have a Harmon-Karde(spelling??) system for 100 dollars that was universal and would work with my car. BUT the guy said the sound quality wasnt that great. And it had a screen you had to set up and seperate controller. Not really what I was looking for. The other thing he suggested was an FM modulator that hooks into the radio antenna. This sounded good so I bought one. I got home and have done some research and found that again people say the quality isnt the best. It looks like there are some generic set ups out there but non that will work with a stock WRX radio. SOOOOO...... any one have any suggestions? I have looked on nasioc and found a home made kit for 97ish dollars that looks promising, but again I am open to suggestions. Thanks in advance.
  5. Are you going to actually walk up and get your timeslips like everyone else?
  6. Correct on the z28 in 68. They made 7,199 ish Though they did have SS starting in 67. The first year the camaro was made.
  7. I will be showing up to watch and maybe help out if you need it.
  8. So, were you in New Albany last night? There was a 350 that drove by us like 2 or 3 times while we were at Eagles pizza waiting for a seat. PS. Nice looking car and Welcome to the board.
  9. As long as you can keep the car from getting hurt. Top off the fluid and go have fun. My car has always been safe, but its old and it leaks a variety of stuff when driving it.
  10. Glad I made it out last night. It was nice putting some faces to names. Sorry I didnt go on the cruise w/ you guys but I live the other direction and my car is pretty much just good for loud noise and burn outs. How did the cruise turn out?
  11. I will try and swing down with the camaro. Not that that means much Hope to see you there.
  12. I just turn the speaker off. So it acts like a normal phone. Not really sure why that is hard for others to do.
  13. I am onlyl going on my experience from my 3si. Honestly this is apples to oranges on comparison. My 3000gt was by far the hardest car to work on I have ever owned. I do think the statement about both these kinds of cars nickel and diming people hold true. Well, it did for me any way.
  14. Vulcan900

    Master ASE

    Congrats. I felt that way when I passed my java certification. Tests like that suck until after you done and have passed them. Then they arent so bad.
  15. Vulcan900

    Paris Update

    :bs: :bs: :bs: That pretty much sums it up.
  16. I really cant add much to this over what others have said. If you have money and expect to spend money on the car, then by all means go for it. They can be made fast with little over all mods. They can also nickel and dime you to death. I had a 3000gt and had nothing but problems with it. I will never own a 3si or dsm ever again. It was just to much hassle.
  17. Nice looking bike Have fun riding it.
  18. I have the power trax in my camaro since last year. So far honestly I haven't noticed anything wrong with it. I havent driven my car a great deal, but when I do drive it, I make sure it gets used like Paris in jail. If it matters, I am running a ford 9" w/ 3.55 gears. So, I would say if you have the money and want something that was easy to install. Powertrax has worked out for me. Good luck.
  19. Neat cars. More proof that an LS1 can go into everything. That Z3 is by far the meanest one I have seen. I would drive that in a heartbeat.
  20. Vulcan900

    My toys

    Really nice toys. Welcome to the board.
  21. Err from your first post it sounded like the car was by itself going down the run way in a demonstration of a drag race pass. It also sounded like an organized event, quoted from your first post "annual rib burn-off at Carrollton Airport".
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