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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. Are you going to be running any type of traction bar? I know when I went from single leaf to multi leaf rear springs I got a LOT of wheel hop just trying to hit it from a stop on the street. Looking real good. Cant wait to see the car finished.
  2. Completely love the WRXs. They are both stock and both daily drivers. Not near as fast as the 3000, but they have been much more reliable and so far much easier to work on. If you have the money and you can do the work yourself then go for the 3000, but if you dont. I would stay away from them....just my opinion.
  3. I again would get a couple of opinons on the car. Unless this is going to be a weekend driver that you dont need to rely on. I loved my 3kgt................when it ran. I sunk a lot of money into, complete motor rebuild, new crank, new turbos, and still had issues. Yes it may have been bad luck, but really. Go to 3si look at any random meetings thread and count how many people would show up if only thier car ran. If you have the money then by all means get it and have fun. If not I would look for a more reliable daily driver.
  4. I had a 91 that was all stock and was the worst money pit I have ever owned. I loved the way it looked and when it ran was pretty quick. Keeping it running was expensive and time consuming. I would never own one again. Even if it was given to me
  5. One thing that might get you is the battery. Be sure it is secure(sp?). They will not let you run if its not.
  6. Just dont tell his clutch that Looking good Steve
  7. I loved the move and will prolly go back and see it again this weekend. Possible spoiler Really my biggest gripe was the fight at the end needed to be edited better. It really felt like it was the same 3 scenes over and over for about 25 mins. I wish they could have done a better job of conveying that the fight was actually changing. That the autobots were following and defending the kid and that the decepticons were after him. On a side note. I am so getting an Autobot logo for my Grant stearing wheel in my camaro.
  8. Even if they are just rebadged caprices. I would also rock one of these. I actually though about getting one as a daily but found a WRX in my price range.
  9. Nice car. I like that year GTO the best. The hood helps a ton.
  10. I was standing there as well and to be honest the RX7's door did look awefully close to the GTO. Had it been my car I would walked over and made sure it didnt hit as well. As for what was said I have no idea but I really dont remember anyone doing anything at all after that. So it must not have been to big a deal.
  11. I thought it was funny how you dont see her again after the store tells her she can only have one phone. I have to agree....she was stupid and greedy. Didnt get her far did it.
  12. Wow, that was disgusting, and funny at the same time.
  13. Ya I saw it. It happened just like V8Beast said. Hi speed, corner, curb, hydrant, tuck and ROLL. It was just once. I don't remember anyone saying she was drunk. I didn't stay to long afterwards. Yes, unless something changed after I left we wont be aloud to hang out at QS&L any more. What sucked was the manager or whoever was there told everyone to leave and that this was over as far as parking there. Some one was talking back to him. Pissing him off even more. I am not sure if that was someone on here. If it was, that was stupid.
  14. +1 Couldnt have said it any better.
  15. I should be there. As long as the car start and it isnt raining.
  16. Vulcan900

    Saleen F-150

    I have to agree on the last gen ford lightnings looking better. I would take the lightning over both that and the SRT-10.
  17. Looks great. Will you be at trails today if it doenst rain?
  18. wow..good find. they have the first robotech that was played here in the states. Thats rocks.
  19. Could you post some pics of it in the car please. Thanks
  20. Vulcan900


    Welcome to the board. I was wondering about the whole saturn thing as well. But you explained it I wouldnt worry to much about what people say on the board. If you like your car thats all that matters.
  21. Cool! Out of curosity if I do find a 07 radio, what else will I need to hook up the Ipod. Just an aux cable for an Ipod?
  22. This seems the way to go. I may have to give my girlfriend an IOU for the radio but I think I am going to just get a stock one and make it easy on myself. After looking on nasioc I just missed one that was for sale the other day for 125 shipped. I am sure in time I can find one.
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