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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. Best of luck. I had this surgery last year. It was done outpatient and while I was really really sore for the next few days, it wasnt to bad.
  2. I am not sure I would replace the pan if its just surface rust. If the medal is thin or there are already holes in it, thats a different story. Eastwood is another option for paint supplies. http://www.eastwood.com/ I just recently got my subframe sandblasted and used Eastwood chassis restoration kit http://www.eastwood.com/full-chassis-restortation-kit-black.html It turned out really good. Anyways good luck with project and keep us updated
  3. Going through Johnstown over the weekend the dealership there (Nash maybe?) had 4 camaros out front. One of them could be a base model.
  4. The Right Stuff is a great local business. Dave, the owner, is a huge Camaro buff and has several including big and small block 69 Pace cars. I plan on using them for my front brake conversion. Good luck and post pics of how it turns out.
  5. I have been to the Missouri, and I have to say of all the things at Pearl Harbor this was my favorite part. There are some off limit areas, but for the most part they give you free reign of the boat. I spent close to 3 hours just wandering around looking at stuff. If you are ever at Pearl Harbor and want something to do, I would recommend this.
  6. Niki and I will be there. Should be pretty cool.
  7. I like the accents. The front needs toned down some.
  8. ^ THIS ^ If the body isnt rusted to hell and back and full of bondo. This wouldnt be a bad deal. OE parts for old cars are still really steep, even in this economy.
  9. 2002 Subaru WRX 2006 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 1969 Camaro
  10. Hi Tom Nice to see you make it on here. I need to stop over some time and say hi. The car looks great.
  11. Mine would be an oldie Usual Suspects I had to see the movie for a college course and so I made a bunch of my buddies go with me. None of us had heard of the movie before and had no idea what it was about or even who was in it. It turned out bad ass and a complete surprise.
  12. RIP! You know the saying live long enough to die from cancer. I lost all my grandparents to cancer. It is a shitty way to go.
  13. It was an ugly win, but a win is a win! The Steelers really need to find a short yardage gameplan. 3rd and 1 running up the middle gained them absolutely NOTHING.
  14. Not that it means much, but the Central Ohio Subaru board is doing a hocking hills run this sat. I am not sure if I will be down there for that or I might be heading to Springfield for the swap meet. There are so many parts I need for my camaro
  15. SOLD! Please lock up. Thanks
  16. I got a no front license plate ticket around April off of 670 near 71. It was the only reason he pulled me over. Didnt even ask for my registration or proof of insurance.
  17. Section 22AA Row 9 Seats 9 and 10 http://www.rivalfanatics.com/images/stadiums/big10_ohio_state.gif Price:1,000 dollars for the pair PM or call at 740-281-6671 Thanks, Eric
  18. What were the casting numbers? I have a set of double hump heads on my camaro. At one point I found a different site than the one listed that I believe gave all the info including CC.
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