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Everything posted by AOW

  1. any chance of adding vimeo.com to the approved list? vimeo has better quality than youtube or myspace....
  2. this is the third time I had to surrender my concealed permit and apply for new! CA's concealed laws and process SUX balls. Oh, and heaven forbid that you have a "justified discharge" of your weapon on the record. You fire a couple warning shots at a crack head with a machete and you're branded for life as a trouble maker.... OK, ok, so one or two shots MAY have landed in the arm/shoulder and the foot, but that doesn't make me a trouble maker does it?
  3. AOW

    AOW's California

    Ben, HELP!!!! I can't get this video to embed!
  4. AOW

    AOW's California

    here's a vid of a "beer" run ok, ok, a vodka run, that I did on July 3rd I think. Not much to look at, but it is kinda cool to ride past all the wind turbines (windmills). The winds going through the wind turbines is insane. You're pretty much at full lean to keep the bike going straight. I loaded the video on Vimeo since it gives you better quality on the transfer.. Haven't figured out how to embed the vimeo yet.... link here
  5. I thought vagina was one of the basic food groups.
  6. you just gotta do trip digits when you hear Danzig "Mother" having puter issues..... don't drink and post kids.....
  7. Very nice, thanks for sharing bro.
  8. just because it isn't legal in OH doesn't make it not right. In the immortal words of Morpheus, "Free your mind"
  9. That's it. I'm officially no longer residing in OH. I may consider returning once the powers that be start filtering out the Thrillbillies and such.
  10. so then we Really are allowing Asians? Blacks are still banned aren't we, I mean They?
  11. are we allowing Asians now? Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just didn't get the memo... if we start letting the blacks in I'm moving to California!
  12. has anyone heard from patcbr600rr? I got a PM from him letting me know he received the payment and confirmed the shipping address, but haven't heard back from him since and no router yet..
  13. OH, you can actually install an operating system onto the PS3. The PS3 really is a desktop computer in a gaming system's clothing.
  14. are you still alive? Any word on the router?

  15. VHS hung on and put in the good fight against DVD, up until DVD burners became affordable. Blu-ray/DVD burner combo drives are becoming the norm in the computing world, and that will eventually mean that blu-ray burners will be everywhere. When that happens kiss your DVDs goodbye. I'm thinking it's going to be 5+yrs, but it's coming.
  16. ALL movie studios have dropped HD DVD in favor of Blu-Ray. Just like the last time Sony decided there was a need for a new format (DVD vs. Nintendo & Sega cartridges), Blu-Ray is here to stay I voted PS3. I like the built in wireless, blue tooth controllers, Blu-ray player, free online gaming, and many of the games utilize the gyroscopic controllers (much like the Wii)
  17. AOW

    Favorite Mods

    SAT radio.... Had it installed on a previous bike and loved it. Will be doing that mod again to the current bike in the near future. On my current ride I would have to say installing the TPX radar/laser detector is my favorite mod. $324 for the unit and LED remote warning light cluster (yes it's waterproof), $50 for RAM hardware and stainless steel fasteners.
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