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Everything posted by AOW

  1. AOW

    Drunk Texts

    (+ 44): i was licking her nipple and thought she was Lactating.................. turns out it was just a boil!
  2. It's like my riding coach told my class....."bikes are lazy, if you don't have enough speed it's gonna lay down on ya, especially in a turn and especially a Harley"
  3. chambered on the Sig, but not the glock... Not really sure why.
  4. and as soon as an officer begins to think that way is when he ends up in a casket
  5. on a serious note, here is what bugs me about squids the most. I couldn't care any fucking less if they ran off the road into a tree and died a slow and painful stupid death. If you get on one of these machines and don't wear the gear, you are asking to become a corpse. That being said, I have always been a big proponent of ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time), but couple years ago in a fit of laziness I jumped on my bike with just my boots. I was hit .9 miles from the place I was staying, and .1 miles form my destination by two cars. I shattered my jaw, which is now held together by 5 plates and 20 screws, and shattered my right arm (yes, I'm left handed), arm now held together by a..... *insert dramatic pause for the ladies*... 15" rod and 15 screws. Yes, I do have a 15" rod!!!! I was suffered lots of pain once I awakened from my 6 day coma, but the pain and suffering you cause your family is the worst. So, if your are a selfish asshat and still choose to ride without a helmet or other gear you are a dumb mother fucker and deserve what Darwin has lined up for you, BUT for your family's sake, gear up.! over.
  6. now why he gotta be killing Black panthers:wtf:
  7. AOW

    AOW's California

    Here's a vid of my 3yr old daughter riding a tortoise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRTIjWY1DRQ
  8. AOW

    AOW's California

    INDEED!!! Loving have cases of Yuengling Lager in the fridge next to the keg of Tecaté. I'll love you forever for that one!
  9. AOW

    AOW's California

    Over the weekend we were invited to a "Hatch" party for Gus. Gus is a 24 year old Giant Galapagos Tortoise. While there, I got volunteered to help weigh 5 of the giant tortoises. This video is us weighing Al who is a Aldabra tortoise that weighed in around 468lbs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChkKwun9YoY
  10. Google is your friend... 59.7?
  11. I was thinking the same thing I thought all shit did?
  12. Just pure unadulterated love for two wheels.... pos rep!
  13. AOW

    Just got dissed....

    Oh come on, don't ban the guy that is forced to ride 300 days/year with sun and no rain, or humidity, or snow....
  14. AOW

    Just got dissed....

    A) I don't live in OH any longer B) When I did I had PA plates C) I still have PA plates D) You can't get the bike over far enough if you're running stock Dunlops, and yes, I drag pegs and my exhaust on a regular basis. Good thing I have 2 extra sets of cans!
  15. AOW

    my buddy list

    I feel so used and discarded.
  16. AOW

    RANDOM 045

    From the album: CHICKEN

  17. AOW

    RANDOM 044

    From the album: CHICKEN

  18. AOW

    RANDOM 043

    From the album: CHICKEN

  19. great fucking ride!!! Enjoy!
  20. AOW

    got sirius??

    you say that now, but next year it will be 130, then 150, then she's fucking on Oprah trying to eat the crowd! It does fit in a pocket, just more accessible when mounted to the bike!
  21. AOW

    Just got dissed....

    you will find assholes in all walks of life and on all bikes. I have ZERO chicken strips on my VROD, and the last O.R. event I went to 90% of the sport bike crowd were sport'n chicken strips like they were gold chains.
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