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Everything posted by AOW

  1. SHE'S A KEEPER!!! for the smell, go to the pet store and get some of that pet stain and odor eliminator. That stuff works the best. There is this other crap called " O " that you can get off line that has been the best non commercial odor eliminator I've used. Another good trick is to place couple of dryer sheets under your seats until the oder goes away.
  2. Guessing you didn't read her other thread (here it is) First 10 responses to her first post were hellos, lists of bikes for sale, and questions regarding what type of bike she is looking for. No drama except from her, and NO ONE went off in the least.
  3. Amsoil reps are not allowed to advertise pricing publicly. Shoot a PM for pricing
  4. hate to disappoint you bro, but if you get caught banging a 17yr old you're doing the same amount of time as a 40yr old.
  5. well, I won't do the ride but I will make the effort to meet up w/you gents in NM or UT. I have a severe dislike of UT, but I may get over it. I would prefer riding through the desert climate over UT though.
  6. mmm, guessing this will be your first time living in Diego? Carb won't be so bad in Diego since the temps are almost always 65° - 75°. Think the nearest ski area is about hundred miles from Diego.. That's great though, drive 2 hours to the snow, ski all day (in full sun and powder), drive back to the 70° base... It's a good life here in CA! Skiing near Diego: Snow Valley, Trinity Mt. Resort, Sno Summit Mt. Resort, Bear Mountain, Mt. Baldy, Mt. High, Mt. Waterman... Waterman is the furthers out at about 120 miles.
  7. AOW

    LoL HD must read

    2010 FL will be water cooled
  8. Even on your own bike atmospheric conditions will render your custom map less than perfect or ideal depending on temp, humidity, and what you had for lunch. There's quite a few folks on my VROD forum that are running and have been running the PCV w/auto tune and love it. I personally went with an auto tune ThunderMax which replaces the stock ECM (computer) altogether, whereas the PCV is a piggyback device.
  9. My personal choice for climates that have vast temp changes from season to season is fuel injection. There's nothing worse than wanting to go for a ride but having to let the engine rev for 5 minutes first. Of course, I'm one of those special people that took a New Year's ride in 13° Ohio weather, and have always ridden my bike year around.
  10. glad you're OK for the most part.. Curious as to why anyone would fuel their bike while sitting on it though?
  11. (646): I may not go down in history, but i will definitely go down on your little sister. (215): After she swallowed she let out a hurge burp. No BS. I'm the cock of the walk. (610): I think you have the wrong number. But at any rate, respect.
  12. my wife and I do foster care and have for quite a few years and we've seen shit that you wouldn't dream of doing to a stray dog let alone a child.
  13. NEVER EVER BEEN NOR WILL EVER BE THAT drunk. There's a good 3 months of college days in Hawaii that I don't remember if not for the pix.
  14. it never works out very well when man decides to play God.
  15. chickon2, not trying to start nut'n but I found this on you mother's facebook.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyFX1gt0GYE
  16. then you ain't going fast enough!
  17. lemon Pledge! I didn't believe it either when a couple old school HD guys told me about it. I finally broke down and gave it a try. It works great! Don't do the seat or grips.
  18. I was in Canada last year and watched a K Y commercial w/a talking snatch. Funny shit!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR9fudQazlo&feature=player_embedded
  20. AOW

    AOW's California

    So Friday rolls around, and wife gets this idea at the zero hour that we should go camping at Yosemite. So....
  21. Dunlops tend to be crap 1) I don't care if you only owned the bike for 1 day, you should know what brand tires are on your ride. 2) I have a VROD and my chicken strips are nowhere near that big, and I just moved from OH last month...
  22. You'll be fine, assuming your pipes still exhaust to the rear of the bike and not the front.
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